Our Department administers 95 Acts, including 4 in part and their subordinate legislation.
Of these Acts, 44 are in the Ministerial portfolio of Parks and Environment, 30 are in the Primary Industries and Water portfolio, 9 are in the Business, Industry and Resources portfolio; and one Act is split across the Parks and Environment and Primary Industries and Water portfolios. Of the remaining Acts, six are in the Racing portfolio; four are in the Arts portfolio; and one is in the Local Government portfolio.
Electronic copies of the Acts are available on-line via the Tasmanian Legislation website: www.legislation.tas.gov.au. Once at that site, simply select the advanced search tab and type in the name of the Act you wish to view.
A list of legislation under each portfolio is provided below. Where more than one Minister is responsible for an Act, allocated responsibility is specified.
Ministerial portfolio of the Arts
- Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995
- National Trust Act 2006
- National Trust Preservation Fund (Winding-Up) Act 1999
- Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority Act 1987
Ministerial portfolio of Business, Industry and Resources
- Fisheries Rules (Validation) Act 1997
- Fishing (Licence Ownership and Interest) Registration Act 2001
- Inland Fisheries Act 1995
- Inland Fisheries (Director of Inland Fisheries Validation) Act 2003
- Inland Fisheries (Savings and Transitional) Act 1995
- Living Marine Resources Management Act 1995
- Living Marine Resources Management (Validation of Documents) Act 2002
- Marine Farming Planning Act 1995
- Marine Resources (Savings and Transitional) Act 1995
Ministerial portfolio of Parks and Environment
- Abandoned Lands Act 1973
- Ben Lomond Skifield Management Authority (Repeal) Act 2007
- Boundary Fences Act 1908
- Container Refund Scheme Act 2022
- Conveyancing and Law of Property Act 1884
- Crown Land (Parliamentary Precinct Redevelopment) Act 2009
- Crown Lands Act 1976
- Crown Lands (Extinguishment of Public Rights) Act 2001
- Crown Lands (Extinguishment of Public Rights) Act 2003
- Crown Lands (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1997
- Crown Lands (Shack Sites) Act 1997
- Crown Lands (Validation of Fees) Act 2011
- Electronic Conveyancing (Adoption of National Law) Act 2013
- Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994
- Estates Tail Act 1853
- Forestry Rights Registration Act 1990
- Government House Land Act 1964
- Ida Bay Railway Repeal Act 2001
- Land Acquisition Act 1993
- Land Titles Act 1980
- Land Valuers Act 2001
- Litter Act 2007
- Marine-related Incidents (MARPOL Implementation) Act 2020
- Mt Lyell Acid Drainage Reduction Act 2003
- National Environment Protection Council (Tasmania) Act 1995
- National Parks and Reserves Management Act 2002
- Nature Conservation Act 2002, except Part 4 and the making of regulations under section 76, in so far as those regulations relate to Part 4 (see Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania under the Minister for Primary Industries and Water)
- Partition Act 1869
- Place Names Act 2020
- Plastic Shopping Bags Ban Act 2013
- Powers of Attorney Act 2000 - except in so far as it relates to the functions and powers of the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal in relation to enduring powers of attorney (see Department of Justice under the Attorney-General/Minister for Justice)
- Public Trusts Act 1882
- Ralphs Bay Conservation Area (Clarification) Act 2006
- Regional Forest Agreement (Land Classification) Act 1998 - Divisions 2 and 3 of Part 2, and the making of regulations under section 26 in so far as those regulations relate to Divisions 2 and 3 of Part 2 (otherwise see Department of State Growth under the Minister for Business, Industry and Resources)
- Registration of Deeds Act 1935
- Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens Act 2002
- Self’s Point Land Act 1951
- Strata Titles Act 1998
- Survey Co-ordination Act 1944
- Surveyors Act 2002
- Threatened Species Protection Act 1995
- Valuation of Land Act 2001
- Waste and Resource Recovery Act 2022
- Wellington Park Act 1993
- Whales Protection Act 1988
Ministerial portfolio of Primary Industries and Water
- Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) Act 1995
- Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Tasmania) Act 1994
- Animal (Brands and Movement) Act 1984
- Animal Welfare Act 1993
- Biological Control Act 1986
- Biosecurity Act 2019
- Biosecurity (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2020
- Cat Management Act 2009
- Dairy Industry Act 1994
- Fertilizers Act 1993
- Florentine Valley Paper Industry Act 1935
- Fruit and Nut Industry (Research, Development and Extension Trust Fund) Repeal Act 2019
- Gene Technology (Tasmania) Act 2012
- Genetically Modified Organisms Control Act 2004
- Industrial Hemp Act 2015
- Irrigation Clauses Act 1973
- Irrigation Company Act 2011
- Lakes Sorell and Crescent Conservation Act 1901
- Meander Dam Project Act 2003
- Natural Resource Management Act 2002
- Nature Conservation Act 2002, Part 4 and the making of regulations under section 76, in so far as those regulations relate to Part 4 (otherwise see Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania under the Minister for Parks and Environment)
- Poisons Act 1971, in so far as it relates to the Poppy Advisory and Control Board (otherwise see Department of Health under the Minister for Health, Mental Health and Wellbeing)
- Primary Industry Activities Protection Act 1995
- Primary Produce Safety Act 2011
- Tasmanian Beef Industry (Research and Development) Trust Act 1990
- Urban Drainage Act 2013
- Veterinary Surgeons Act 1987
- Water and Sewerage Industry Act 2008, except Subdivision 3 of Division 1 of Part 4, Division 5 of Part 4 and section 111, and the making of regulations under section 115 in so far as those regulations relate to Subdivision 3 of Division 1 of Part 4, Division 5 of Part 4 and section 111 (see Department of Treasury and Finance under the Minister for Finance)
- Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Act 2013
- Water Management Act 1999
- Waterworks Clauses Act 1952
Ministerial portfolio of Racing
- Lyons Trusts Act 1993
- Racing Regulation Act 2004
- Racing Regulation Amendment (Governance Reform) (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Act 2008
- Racing Regulation (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Act 2004
- Racing (Tasracing Pty Ltd) Act 2009
- Racing (Tasracing Pty Ltd) (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Act 2009
Ministerial portfolio of Local Government