Right to Information Disclosure Log

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Certain information released in response to Right to Information requests will be published online within 48 hours of being released to the applicant.

This approach makes information released to an applicant available to a wider audience and increases Government transparency and accountability.

Applicants should note that:

  • if they seek and are granted a waiver of the application fee on the basis of general public interest, and it is determined that the information is in the broader public interest, publication of the released information is likely.

  • their identity will not be published. The category of the applicant will be published, i.e. Member of Parliament, media representative, a private individual.

  • a summary of the application will be published. This gives context to the nature of the released information.

  • only information that is considered to be in the broader public interest will be published. No personal information will be published.

  • information of a commercial or confidential nature will not be published.

If you are seeking information published on the Right to Information Disclosure Log in 2015-16 or 2016-2017, please ​email right2info@nre.tas.gov.au​.

RTI Applications 2024/2025​

RTI reference numb​er 

Information published (most recent at the top)

​Summary of information applied for under the RTI Act

​Category of applicant

​Release date

​NRE RTI 043

 NRE RTI 043 - 2024-25 (PDF 682Kb)

​Outstanding invoices relating to Halls Island
​Member of Parliament
​NRE RTI 030

NRE RT​I 030 - 2024-25 (PDF 671Kb)

​Information regarding euthanised greyhounds from 2021 - present
​Media representative
​NRE RTI 031

NRE RTI​ 031 - 2024-25 (PDF 677Kb)

​Maintenance costs for the Overland and Frenchmans Cap tracks
​Member of Parliament
​NRE RTI 027

 NRE RTI 027 - 2024-25 (PDF 781Kb)

​Wildlife carers - numbers and funding 
​Member of Parliament
​​NRE RTI 029

 NRE RTI 029 - 2​024-25 (PDF 7Mb)

​Correspondence and AHT briefing regarding Arm End
​Media representative
​NRE RTI 024

 NRE RTI 024 - 2024-25 (PDF 5Mb)

​2020 Helicopter landing incident in TWWHA
​Member of Parliament

​NRE RTI 016

 NRE RTI 016 - 2024-25 (PDF 3Mb)

Halls Island lease and licence

Member of Parliament


​NRE RTI 019

 NRE RTI 019 - 2024-25 (PDF 8Mb)

​Halls Hut heritage matters

​Member of Parliament


​NRE RTI 017

 NRE RTI 017 - 20​24-25 (PDF 602Kb)

​Information regarding greyhounds reported as 'euthanised - not suitable for rehome'

​Member of Parliament


​NRE RTI 018

 NRE RTI 018 - 2024-25 (PDF 141Kb)

​Landfill Levy information 

​Member of Parliament


​NRE RTI 002

 NRE RTI 002 - 2024-25 (PDF 85Mb)

​Communications with ACEN

​Member of Parliament


​NRE RTI 014

 NRE RTI 014 - 2024-25 (PDF 1Mb)​

​Arm End development

Media representative​


NRE RTI 003​

 NRE RTI 003 - 2024-25 (PDF 60Mb)

​Internal correspondence regarding the efficiency dividend

​Media representative


​NRE RTI​ 008

 NRE RTI 008 - 2024-25 - Part A (PDF 2Mb)

 NRE RTI 008 - 2024-25 - Part B (PDF 2Mb)

(Texts between RSPCA CEO and Director Biosecurity Operations NRE Tas) ​

​Complaints, reports and correspondence re Tasmanian Labradoodles 

​Media representative


​NRE RTI 009

 NRE RTI 009 - 2024-25 (PDF 693Kb)

​Workers compensation claims for NRE Tas

​Member of Parliament


​NRE RTI 007

​No information in scope 

​Directions re RTI exemptions

​Member of Parliament


​NRE RTI 004​

​No information in scope 

​Vacancy control

​Member of Parliament


​​RTIs for the Minister for Racing ​

​​RTI reference number
​Information published (most recent at the top)
​Summary of information applied for under the RTI Act
​Category of applicant
​Release date

​MIN RTI 001

 MIN RTI 001 - 2024-25 (PDF 1Mb)

Contact with named individuals in the racing industry ​

​Member of Parliament



RTI​s considered by Ombudsman's Office

​Category of Applicant

​RTI Reference Number
​Summary of Information
​Information Published


​NRE RTI 064/2022-23

​​Conversion of FPPF land to PTPZ

 NRE RTI 064 - 2022-23 (PDF 8Mb)


​NRE RTI 050/2023-24

​Salmon mortality figures (kg) for all Macquarie Harbour leases - September 2023 - March 2024

 NRE RTI 050 - 2023-24 (PDF 666Kb)


Acti​ve ​​Disclosures

​Summary of Information
​Information Published
​Letter - Mr Daniel Hackett - Wild Drake

 Letter​ - Mr Daniel Hackett - Wild Drake (PDF 214Kb)

​Wildlife interaction data reported by the salmonid aquaculture industry January to June 2024

 Wildlife interaction data reported by the salmonid aquac​ulture industry January to June 2024 (PDF 650Kb)

​Salamanca Arts - Lift Review Report

 Salamanca Arts - Lift Review Report (PDF 5Mb)​

​Threatened Species Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) Meetings and Membership from January 2000 to November 2024

 Threatened Species Scientific Advisory Committee Meetings and Membership (PDF 146Kb)​

​Threatened Species Protection Act nominations
From 2018 - 2 December 2024

 TSPA Species nominations (PDF 452Kb)

​QTB - TWWHA M​anagement Plan Review 

 QTB - TWWHA Management Plan Review (PDF 106Kb)

​​Tasmanian Government's response to the draft Conservation Advice and Listing Ass​essment for the Maugean Skate​

 Tasmanian Government’s response to the draft Conservation Advice and Listing Assessment for the Maugean Skate (PDF 3Mb)​


Right to Information Program Manager

GPO Box 44,
Hobart, TAS, 7001.