Category of applicant |
RTI reference number |
Summary of information applied for under the RTI Act |
Information Published (Most recently released at top) | Cost
Estimate |
Member of Public
| RTI 071 2018-19
| Collinsvale EPA reports
RTI 071 - 2018-19 (15Mb) | $984
Media Representative | RTI 070 2018-19
| Transport of animals across Bass Straight RSPCA report
| RTI 070 - 2018-19 (1Mb)
| $1287 |
Member of Public | RTI 064 2018-19
| Dam flooding Mt Joy
| RTI 064 - 2018-19 (5Mb)
RTI 064 - 2018-19 Stage 1 (12Mb) | $2686 |
Member of Parliament | RTI 072 2018-19
| Animal Welfare Complaints at VDL
| RTI 072 - 2018-19 (2Mb) | $1135 |
Media Representative | RTI 068 2018-19
| Heritage Tasmania
| RTI 068 - 2018-19 (665Kb) | $1816 |
Media Representative | RTI 063 2018-19
| Crop Protection Permits
| RTI 063 - 2018-19 (669Kb)
RTI 063 - 2018-19 (Stage 2) (7Mb) | $2498 |
Organisation | RTI 069 2018-19
| Huon Highway EPA Reports
| RTI 069 - 2018-19 (34Mb) | $1135 |
Organisation | RTI 062
| Coasta Mushroom EPA Reports
| RTI 062 2018-19 (3Mb) | $1135 |
Member of Parliament | RTI 057 2018-19
| Seymour Conservation Area
| RTI 057 - 2018-19 (Stage 1) (3Mb)
RTI 057 -2018-19 Stage 2 (25Mb)
| $1968 |
Organisation | RTI 058 2018-19
| Contamination information from EPA on Vermeer Avenue, Newnham
RTI 058 - 2018-19 (62Mb) | $1438 |
Media Representative | RTI 051 2018-19
| Riveaux Road PWS bushfire response 15-21 Jan 2019
RTI 051 - 2018-19 (2Mb) | $2573 |
Media Representative | RTI 038 2018-19
| Heritage Register
| RTI 038 - 2018-19 (55Mb) | $3480 |
Organisation | RTI 055 2018-19
| Salmon escapes and mortality
| RTI 055 - 2018-19 (718Kb) | $3026 |
Member of Public | RTI 056 2018-19
| Bridport Foreshore
| RTI 056 - Assessed Disclosure (1Mb)
RTI 056 - Active disclosure (2Mb) | $984 |
Media Representative | RTI 034 2018-19
| Kings Meadows Convict Station site
| RTI 034 - Stage 1 2018-19 (2Mb)
RTI 034 - Stage 2 2018-19 (2Mb) | $2345 |
Media Representative | RTI 053 2018-19
| Churchill's Hut
RTI 053 - 2018-19
| $1589 |
Member of Public | RTI 054 2018-19
| Core deer farm range
RTI 054 - 2018-19
(1Mb) | $984 |
| RTI 042 2018-19
| EPA reports
RTI 042 - 2018-19
(18Mb) | $1362
| RTI 050 2018-19
| Environmental reports for Launceston gasworks
RTI 050 2018-19
(19Mb) | $1589 |
| RTI 049 2018-19
| Elwick Racecourse investigation 18 February 2018
| RTI 049 - 2018-19
| $1287
| RTI 041
| EPA Reports
RTI 041 - 2018-19
(20Mb) | $1892
Member of Parliament | RTI 031 2018-19
| Marine Farming Planning Review Panel Resignations
RTI 031 - 2018-19
| $1173 |
Media Representative | RTI 026 2018-19
| Rezoning Information
RTI 026 - 2018-19
| $1400 |
Member of Public
| RTI 023 2018-19
| Moulting Lagoon Boat Tours
RTI 023 - 2018-19
| $1780 |
Media Representative | RTI 020 2018-19 | Tasmania Zoo |
RTI 020 - 2018-19 Stage 1
RTI 020 - 2018-19 Stage 2
(2Mb) | $3707 |
| RTI 028 2018-19
| EPA Reports
RTI 028 - 2018-19
(47Mb) | $1460
Media Representative
| RTI 027 2018-19
| John Whittington's information about Launceston accommodation
RTI 027 - 2018-19
(1Mb) | $1362
| RTI 015 2018-19
| 226 Mill Road Wesley Vale
| RTI 015 - 2018-19
(88Mb) | $1362 |
Member of public | RTI 013 2018-19
| Correspondence about eagles nest and plant root rot between Break O'Day Council and PCAB
| RTI 013 - 2018-19
(1Mb) | $1514 |
Media Representative | RTI 029 2018-19
| John Whittington's expenses on 2018 Trade Mission
| RTI 029 - 2018-19
(89Kb) | $1135
Member of Parliament | RTI 025 2108-19
| John Whittington's Diary entries
| RTI 025 - 2018-19
(1Mb) | $1702
Member of public | RTI 024 2018-19
| Trap Applications
| RTI 024 - 2018-19
(635Kb) | $1665 |
Member of Parliament | RTI 021 2018-19
| Correspondence between Marine Farming Planning Review Panel and Minister Courtney
RTI 021 - 2018-19
(1Mb) | $1362 |
Member of public | RTI 004 2018-19
| Land at Slopen Main | RTI 004 - 2018-19
(5Mb) | $1362
Member of public
| RTI 011 2018-19
| EPA Reports
| RTI 011 - 2018-19
(2Mb) | $1286 |
Media Representative
| RTI 060 2018-19
| Seal interactions |
RTI 060 2017-18 Stage 1
RTI 060 - 2017-18 - Stage 2
RTI 060 - 2018-19 Supplementary Information
| $3367 |
Member of Parliament
| RTI 050 2018-19
| Animal Welfare Advisory Committee
RTI 050 -2017-18
| $1740 |
Member of Parliament
| RTI 003 2018-19
| Greyhounds
RTI 003 - 2018-19
| $1967
Member of Parliament
| RTI 002 2018-19
| Standing camp correspondence
| RTI 002 - 2018-19 Stage 1
(1Mb) RTI 002 - 2018-19 Stage 2
| $2625
Member of Parliament
| RTI 001 2018-19
| RAA correspondence
RTI 001 - 2018-19
| $2648 |