RTI 054
| NRE RTI 054 - 2023-24 (PDF 1Mb) | Animal welfare complaints at Sandford
| Media representative
| 24/06/24
RTI 049
NRE RTI 049 - 2023-24 - Part A (PDF 4Mb)
NRE RTI 049 - 2023-24 - Part B (PDF 2Mb)
NRE RTI 049 - Active Disclosure (PDF 812Kb) | Correspondence regarding the Murrihy Report and workers compensation issues
| Member of Parliament
| 13/06/24
RTI 046
NRE RTI 046 - 2023-24 (PDF 3Mb)
| Information relating to Susan Gittus
| Member of Parliament
| 07/06/24
RTI 045
NRE RTI 045 - 2023-24 (PDF 5Mb)
| Animal welfare complaints about livestock at properties in Acton Park and Sandford
| Media representative
| 17/05/24
RTI 042
NRE RTI 042 - 20
23-24 - Part A (PDF 750Kb)
NRE RTI 042 - 2023-24 - Part B (PDF 608Kb)
NRE RTI 042 - 2023-24 - Part C (PDF 12Mb) | Management of bird issues at Sheppards marine farm lease
| Media representative
| 14/05/24
RTI 035
NRE RTI 035 - 2023-24 (PDF 127Mb)
| Swift Parrot Forestry Management Project
| Organisation
| 13/05/24
RTI 043
NRE RTI 043 - 2023-24 (PDF 686Kb)
| Wildlife prosecutions and penalties
| Organisation | 19/04/24
RTI 030
NRE RTI 030 - 2023-24 (PDF 3Mb)
| Information relating to the Maugean Skate Conservation Action Plan
| Media representative
| 28/03/24
RTI 029
NRE RTI 029 - 2023-24 (PDF 3Mb)
| Project documents for Maria Island Rediscovered - stage 3 and Freycinet New Visitor Gateway
| Member of Parliament
| 19/02/24
RTI 028
NRE RTI 028 - 2023-24 - Part A (PDF 4Mb)
NRE RTI 028 - 2023-24 - Part B (PDF 1Mb)
| ORI Interactions re workers compensation insurance and licencing requirements for racing industry participants
| Member of Parliament
| 07/02/24 |
RTI 027
NRE RTI 027 - 2023-24 (PDF 2Mb)
| Interactions between ORI and Tasmania Police
| Member of Parliament
| 06/02/24
RTI 024
NRE RTI 024 - 2023-24 (PDF 6Mb)
| New CEO of the Tasmanian Rock Lobster Fishermen's Association
| Member of Parliament
| 18/12/23
RTI 017
NRE RTI 017 - 2023-24 (PDF 945Kb) | Salmon company matters
| Organisation | 06/12/23 |
RTI 022
NRE RTI 022 - 2023-24 - Pt 1 (PDF 11Mb)
NRE RTI 022 - 2023-24 - Pt 2 (PDF 7Mb) | Submissions received and report into 2012 changes to the Macquarie Harbour Marine Farming Development Plan
| Organisation
| 22/11/23
RTI 015
NRE RTI 015 - 2023-24 (PDF 20Mb) | Correspondence related to the Cradle Basecamp Experience EOI
| Member of Parliament | 31/10/23 |
RTI 019
NRE RTI 019 - 2023-24 (PDF 666Kb)
| Documents on the racing related car crash in January 2023
| Member of Parliament
| 18/10/23
RTI 013
NRE RTI 013 - 2023-24 (PDF 3Mb)
| Correspondence related to the Walls of Jerusalem Lodge Walk EOI
| Member of Parliament
| 16/10/23
RTI 011
NRE RTI 011 - 2023-24 - Pt 1 (PDF 89Mb)
NRE RTI 011 - 2023-24 - Pt 2 (PDF 32Mb)
NRE RTI 011 - 2023-24 - Pt 3 (PDF 32Mb) | Correspondence related to Nietta Hydro
| Member of Parliament
| 10/10/23
RTI 007
NRE RTI 007 - 2023-24 (PDF 707Kb)
| Investigation into Greyhound Adoption Program matters
| Member of Parliament
| 05/09/23
RTI 002
NRE RTI 002 - 2023-24 (PDF 14Mb)
| Procurement of land for the Brighton High School
| Media representative
| 28/08/23
RTI 004
NRE RTI 004 - 2023-24 (PDF 11Mb)
| Grants of Authority for water takes and helicopter flights since 2015
| Member of Parliament
| 25/08/23
RTI 006
NRE RTI 006 - 2023-24 (PDF 638Kb)
| Departmental expenditure for 2022-23 and current FTE numbers for casual and fixed term employees
| Member of Parliament
| 23/08/23
RTI 001
NRE RTI 001 - 2023-24 (PDF 729Kb)
| 24 thoroughbred horses euthanised in 2022-23
| Member of Parliament
| 07/08/23