Tasmanian Agricultural Precinct

​The Tasmanian Government has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the University of Tasmania to create the new Tasmanian Agricultural Precinct based at Newnham alongside the University of Tasmania’s Institute of Agriculture. 

  MOU for the Creation of the Tasmanian Agricultural Precinect in Launceston at the UTAS Newnham Campus   (3Mb)

The Precinct will bring together the world’s best practice in one place by co-locating:

  • agricultural science

  • water management

  • industry development

  • biosecurity​

There will be continued services provided in the North-West and South for the farming and agriculture sector. 

The agricultural Precinct will help boost growth in the State's agricultural sector, toward a target farm-gate value of $10 billion by 2050. ​

More information about this target is availble on our Growing Tasmanian Agriculture pages