Volunteer Information


​Becoming an ​​authorised NRE Tas volunte​er

To ensure volunteer involvement is supported and managed appropriately, the Department has developed the Volunteer Management Framework (VMF).  

Employees utilise the VMF to plan and manage volunteer programs that comply with relevant legislation and are assessed for hazards, risks, and any impacts to the environment, including cultural and heritage sites.

Once a volunteer program is approved and individuals participating have registered as NRE Tas volunteers, the Department provides volunteer insurance cover to those who participate.  

Importantly, individual volunteers and community group members that have not registered as NRE Tas volunteers or sought relevant program approvals, are not covered by NRE Tas volunteer insurance and are not considered to be undertaking authorised volunteer activities on land managed by the Department - in some cases, the activities may, in fact, be illegal.

If you are a community volunteer group (including 'Friends of' groups), interested in caring for a local patch, National Park or Reserve, you should first review The LIST​ to establish the responsible land manager.  Where the land is under NRE Tas management, please contact the relevant ​division for information, support, and program assessment.

Volunteer Team Leaders of Community Volunteer Groups, are asked to partner with us to ensure programs meet the necessary requirements:

  • Collaborate with us to develop an approved 'NRE Tas Volunteer Program Plan' to support participation;
  • Complete volunteer attendance records for each activity;
  • Ensure that any group member who wishes to participate has registered as an NRE Tas volunteer (refer to Volunteer Opportunities section) and has read the NRE Tas COVID-19 Safe Plan prior to participation. ​

Child and Youth Safety and Wellbeing

​​​At NRE Tas we care about children and young people's safety and wellbeing.  We have zero tolerance of child abuse and harm.  All safety concerns, allegations and reports are taken seriously in line with our policies and procedures, and in compliance with the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Act 2023​ (the Act).   

​​​​​We all have a role to play in ensuring children and young people are safe.  That's why we have implemented the Child and Youth Safe Framework.  It's for anyone who works with us.  Under 'the Act' 'workers' also include volunteers.  For further information about the framework, reportable conduct and your responsibilites as a volunteer please refer to the Keeping Children Safe Fact Sheet and the NRE Tas Child and Youth Safety and Wellbeing website​.  

Equal​ opportu​​​nity volunteering

The NRE Tas Volunteer Team is committed to ensuring that our volunteer engagements are in accordance with equal opportunity and anti-discrimination legislation.

We value equal opportunity volunteering which means we support and uphold diversity and inclusion and will not discriminate based on an individual's personal characteristics including: 

  • age
  • disability
  • gender
  • marital status
  • political or religious beliefs

Volunteer information, including new opportunities for involvement, should be accessible to all.​

The Department is also working to improve online information and experiences so that it is more useful, usable and accessible to everyone. 

Refer to the Department's Accessibility pages for more information, including navigation tips, translation and interpretation assistance, and opportunities to provide us with feedback.

