The Tasmanian Government is committed to increasing diversity and the representation of women on Tasmanian Government boards and committees.
The Women on Boards Strategy 2020-2025: Continuing our progress, builds upon the progress made under the Women on Boards Strategy 2015-2020, with a refreshed set of actions to deliver the target of 50 per cent representation of women across Government boards and committees.
Women on Boards Strategy 2020-25 - Continuing our progress (PDF 10Mb)
The Strategy includes practical actions across four focus areas:
NRE Tas has a large number of boards and applies the actions set out in the Strategy to promote women for membership as new appointments are made.
Tasmanian Women's Register
The Tasmanian Women’s Register is a subscription list for Tasmanians who want to receive information about vacancies for Tasmanian Government boards and committees.
The Register is administered by the Department of Premier and Cabinet. Expressions of Interest are emailed to subscribers when they are made available by agencies. There is no set schedule.
You may add or remove your name from the register or amend your details by emailing
You can also express interest for government business board positions (one type of Tasmanian Government board/committee) through the Department of Treasury and Finance.