Good Neighbour Charter

​​​The Good Neighbour Charter has been developed in partnership between the Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania (NRE Tas), the Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association, the Tasmanian Fire Service, the Local Government Association of Tasmania and the Department of State Growth.

  Good Neighbour Charter   (166Kb)

This document will guide future relations between NRE Tas and its neighbours, particularly in the agricultural sector. The Good Neighbour Charter encompasses:

  • Planning issues: NRE Tas will continue to involve the community in the development of management plans and strategies to ensure that the interests and rights of the community are considered, and that NRE Tas plans are co-ordinated as far as possible with planning and management activities on other lands.

  • Fire management: NRE Tas will co-operate with neighbours in the management of fire and fire risk to protect life, community assets, property, and the natural and cultural value of land.

  • Invasive species: Through cooperative effort with neighbours, NRE Tas will seek to minimise presence and movement of introduced pest animals and weed species between properties.

  • Management of native and domestic animals: NRE Tas will co‑operate with landholders about options for managing native species and domestic animals.

  • Stock management:  NRE Tas will make reasonable efforts to identify the owners of stock that stray onto NRE Tas owned land.

  • Habitat: NRE Tas will encourage neighbours to maintain or restore natural vegetation to provide additional habitat and wildlife corridors.

  • Access: NRE Tas will develop agreed understandings with neighbours about access to each other's properties.

  • Cultural values: NRE Tas will work cooperatively with neighbouring landholders to identify appropriate management processes for the protection of Aboriginal and European heritage.

The Charter is aimed at ensuring the framework is in place for constructive and co‑operative dialogue between NRE Tas  and its many adjacent landholders. This approach will lead to better outcomes in land management and assist resolution of differences if they arise.

The Charter does not intend to anticipate every situation that may arise, but rather establish the basis of NRE Tas land management approach, which is about working together.

With communication the key to the success of this Charter, NRE Tas's AgriGrowth Tasmania Division has also been identified as a central contact point for landholders if they wish to discuss land management issues with NRE Tas​. AgriGrowth Tasmania can be contacted on 1300 292 292.  



AgriGrowth Tasmania through FarmPoint

Level 3, 134 Macquarie Street,
GPO Box 44,
Hobart, TAS, 7001.