Tasmania’s Agri-Food Plan

​​​​​​​​Tasmania’s Sustainable Agri-Food Plan presents a framework for action, articulates goals, and outlines the initiatives we are delivering to sustainably grow the agriculture and food sectors in Tasmania, including seafood.

  Tasmanian Sustainable Agri-Food Plan 2019-23   (874Kb)

​The Agri-Food Plan is based on the following principles:

  • Industry leadership

  • Market-driven development

  • Empowering the private sector – red tape reduction

  • Maximising the value of the primary industries sector to the Tasmanian economy

  • Collaborative, integrated action

  • Social and environmental sustainability

  • Adaptability to emerging challenges and opportunities

​​Previous Agri-Food Plan​​ and Update​

​The first Tasmanian Sustainable Agri-Food Plan (the “Plan”) released in 2016, provided the overarching plan to advance the State’s agriculture and food sectors (including seafood).

  Tasmania's Sustainable Agri-Food Plan 2016-2018   (4Mb)

The 2016-18 update highlighted progress one year on from the launch of the first Agri-Food Plan, and outlined additional initiatives linked to the plan.​

  Tasmanian Sustainable Agri-Food Plan 2016-18 Update   (494Kb)​

​​Tracking our progress​

​The Tasmanian Government continues to monitor and report on the growth in the State’s primary industry sectors through the Tasmanian Agri-Food Scorecard.


AgriGrowth Tasmania through FarmPoint

Level 3, 134 Macquarie Street,
GPO Box 44,
Hobart, TAS, 7001.