Spray Drift and Reporting Incidents

​​​Enquiries and complaints about spray drift or other off-target movement of agricultural chemicals should be directed to the Agvet Chemicals Program:

Email: agvetchemicals@nre.tas.gov.au

Details to include in your report​​

​​Providing as much detail as possible in your initial contact will greatly assist with following up the incident.​

Information that you may be able to provide when reporting spray drift that will assist with investigations is:

  • the date, time and location where the incident occurred

  • the name and contact details of the user or operator 

  • the method by which the agricultural chemical was applied (plane, boom spray, etc.)

  • the weather conditions, particularly air temperature and wind speed and direction

  • the name of the agricultural chemical if known

  • the impact from the incident (e.g. risk/damage to crops, livestock, health, environment)

  • the names of witnesses and their contact details

  • supporting evidence e.g. photos and videos

The success of an investigation will depend on the:

  • information you provide when you lodge the complaint

  • evidence investigators gather to support a case for possible legal action

  • ​reliable supporting evidence from eyewitnesses

Next steps​​

Investigations can be complex and may not always result in favourable outcome on behalf of complainants.

The complaint will be assessed and appropriate action may take the form of:

  • no action if the report of spray drift could not be substantiated

  • a meeting with relevant parties to encourage communication between neighbours

  • an advisory or warning letter

  • regulatory action 

  • referring the complaint to another agency as appropriate

At any time, you can opt to take private civil action through the court to try to recover any losses sustained from damage or injury caused by spray drift.​

More information about spray drift​​

Under certain conditions, chemical may move to non-target areas during spraying or shortly after application. This may result from: 

  • poor application technique (incorrect pressure, speed or nozzle type used during application)

  • application when wind speed is too great

  • volatilisation of fine droplets

  • drift under certain environmental conditions

A common misunderstanding relating to agricultural chemical use is that if you can smell the chemical, then drift must have occurred. This is not necessarily the case as many agricultural chemicals have a strong odour which can be detected quite some distance from where the spraying occurs. The quantity of chemical that can be detected in this way for chemicals that have strong odours, has been shown scientifically to be so small that it is harmless.

Dealing with neighbours' concerns about spray drift from your property​​

  AgVet Chemicals Information Sheet - Neighbours and Spray Drift   (127Kb)

Spray operators need to understand and adjust the variables they have direct control over to minimise the risk of off target movement of spray. Where they are not able to control factors, such as the weather, they must access reliable forecast information to plan when to apply products at times of lowest risk.

Find the top ten tips​​ for reducing spray drift​ Managing Spray Drift on the Grains Research and Development Corporation's website​.​


Agvet Chemicals Program

Licence Coordinator
165 Westbury Road,,