In fulfilling its commitment to introduce five year property protection permits for deer as part of its response to the Legislative Council inquiry into wild fallow deer the Government has announced the following: Implementation of five year property protection permits for antlerless (female) fallow deer, reducing administration for primary producers and hunters. Five year property protection permits for antlerless deer commenced 15 March 2020. The duration of property protection permits will include 15 March to 15 November inclusive. The November to March lactation period is not included. Current property protection permit arrangements for male deer (bucks and immature male) will remain unchanged to ensure the viability of wild fallow deer as a hunting resource.
Removal of quotas for antlerless (female) deer taken under a property protection permit and under a deer hunting licence.
Removal of tagging requirements for antlerless (female) deer taken under a property protection permit and under a deer hunting licence. This will reduce the administrative burden on primary producers, deer hunters, contract shooters and the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania without compromising compliance.
Extension of the hunting season for antlerless (female) deer to the duration of 15 March to 15 November inclusive. The November to March lactation period is not included. This will enable greater opportunity for deer hunters to take antlerless deer with agreement of landholders. The period during which antlerless fallow deer can be taken using a property protection permit and a deer hunting licence is now the same.
Holders of property protection permits and deer hunting licences are required to provide annual take returns to enable long-term monitoring of deer numbers and the impact of deer management strategies to be assessed. Take return data will also complement the outcomes of the wild fallow deer census currently being undertaken.
Please note: A deer hunting licence is required to take deer using a crop protection permit unless you are a member of the landowner, lessee or manager’s
immediate family household or an employee or contractor employed
for duties including browsing wildlife control.
More information is available in the FAQ document or use the contact details below.