Tasmania is declared a Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)-free area to help preserve the identity of non-genetically modified crops and animals for marketing purposes.
All dealings with GMOs in Tasmania are prohibited unless they are approved under both Commonwealth and Tasmanian legislation. The following diagram summarises the authorisation process for dealing with GMOs in Tasmania:

Tasmanian Gene Technology Regulatory System and Processes (PDF 149Kb)
Commonwealth approval
All dealings with GMOs in Tasmania must be approved under the Commonwealth Gene Technology Act 2000. For information about how dealings with GMOs are approved under Commonwealth legislation, please visit the website of the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator.
Applying for a Tasmanian GMO permit
In addition to receiving prior Commonwealth approval, a person must not knowingly deal with a GMO in a GMO-free area unless they are authorised to do so by a GMO permit issued by the Tasmanian Government under Tasmania's Genetically Modified Organisms Control Act 2004 (GMO Control Act).
To apply for a Tasmanian GMO permit, please complete the following application form and submit it to GMO@nre.tas.gov.au:
Tasmanian GMO Permit Application Form (PDF 289Kb)
Your application will be assessed against section 9(2) of the GMO Control Act and against Tasmania's gene technology policy framework comprising the Tasmanian Gene Technology Policy 2019-2029 and the Tasmanian Gene Technology Guidelines. The current versions of these documents are available on the Tasmanian Gene Technology Policy page.
Some research organisations may already have a permit that authorises certain classes of dealings in Tasmania. In the first instance, researchers should contact their organisation’s accredited Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) to find out whether a new permit is required.
Importing GMOs
If your proposed dealing involves importing a GMO into Tasmania, you may require additional authorisation under the Biosecurity Act 2019. To ensure that your import complies with biosecurity legislation, please contact Biosecurity Tasmania by emailing Biosecurity.Tasmania.nre.tas.gov.au or calling 1300 368 550.
For all queries about completing your GMO permit application form, please contact GMO@nre.tas.gov.au.