Managing Seasonal Conditions Including Dry Conditions, Storms, Bushfires and Floods

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Managing seasonal conditions is part and parcel of farming in Tasmania and its effects represent one of the biggest challenges to our agriculture sector.

Information, tools and resources are available now to help you to be drought ready and make the best possible decisions for your business, your family and yourself​.

 Tasmanian Farmers - Resilience and Seasonal Conditions Information (PDF 276Kb)

In this topic

  • Dry and Drought Conditions
    ​Tasmania does not undertake a formal drought declaration process. The “exceptional circumstances” process was replaced in 2013 which means there is no longer the requirement to “drawn lines on maps” to trigger support to farmers.
  • Hardship and Financial Support
    Government support programs and schemes are available to provide financial support and concessions for farming businesses and families. These services are meant to be accessed during difficult times as hardship support.
  • Farm Business Resilience Support Planning and Coaching
    Whether you are preparing for seasonal conditions like drought and dry conditions, or you are recovering, there are a range of farm business support services. These can help with coaching, training, funding, or planning.
  • Checklists to Manage Seasonal Conditions
    Links to tools to assist you with preparing for varying conditions.
  • Current Conditions in Tasmania
    Links to current forecasts and heatwave forecasts
  • Dry Conditions - Tips and Strategies
    How to manage issues on your property when experiencing dry seasonal conditions.
  • Managing Water
    What you need to know about managing water on your property
  • King and Flinders Islands Dry and Drought Conditions
    King and Flinders islands and Tasmania in general, are experiencing unseasonably dry conditions. These conditions have had a particular impact on King Island. NRE Tas is working with all areas of government and stakeholders including TasFarmers, Rural Business Tasmania and TAS Farm Innovation Hub (TIA) to provide advice and support, including undertaking community and stakeholder meetings.  


AgriGrowth Tasmania through FarmPoint

Level 3, 134 Macquarie Street,
GPO Box 44,
Hobart, TAS, 7001.