Hardship and Financial Support

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​A range of support and resources are available for the Tasmanian farming communities impacted by the current dry and drought conditions:

​Program or scheme


​​King and Flinders Island Farm Water Infrastructure Rebate Scheme (KFI Scheme)

One-off payment

The ​​King and Flinders Island Farm Water Infrastructure Rebate Scheme (KFI Scheme) provides a one off 25% rebate up to $15,000 (GST Exclusive) to eligible primary producers for the costs associated with the purchase and installation of eligible on farm water infrastructure and/or repairs.

An additional $2,500 (GST Exclusive) Rebate is available to primary producers who can provide evidence of an existing drought risk management plan or completed Farm Business Resilience Plan. 

For help and advice please contact AgriGrowth Tasmania: 

Email farmpoint@nre.tas.gov.au or phone 1300 292 292.​

Opening date: 10am Thursday 18 July 2024
Closing date: 3pm Tuesday 24 December 2024, or until program funding exhausted.

Farm househo​​ld allowance​

Income support

​There is a national farm household allowance​ payment. More information is available on the Federal Governments agriculture website.

​​The Rural Relief Fund

One-off payment

The Rural Relief Fund has grants available of up to $2,500 per household which is available across Tasmanian agricultural sectors for rural families experiencing hardship due to drought or extreme unseasonably dry conditions.​

​Farm mana​​gement deposits and tax


​The following Australian Taxation Office (ATO) links will help you find out about tax concessions that can be accessed by primary producers:

​Irrigation concessiona​​​l arrangement guidelines


​There is information about this policy on the TasNetworks Connections Pricing web page.​

If you need more information about new connections contact TasNetworks​ or phone 1300 12 7777 Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm.

​Rural financial counselling​​​


​​As part of the national Rural Financial Counselling Program, Rural Financial Counselling Service Tasmania provides confidential and independent counsel to primary producers, fishermen and small rural business that are suffering financial hardship.

For further information visit the RFCST webpage or contact them on 1300 883 276.

​​​​​​Farm business loans

Lending and loans

​A loan scheme with concessional rates that can be applied for at any time. Diversify your markets, prepare for, manage through or recover from drought. Visit Regional​ Investment Corporation​​ for details.

Farmers requiring immediate advice and support can ​contact: 

  • Rural Financial Counselling Service provided by Rural Business Tasmania on 1300 883 276
  • Department of Human Services Farmer Assistance Hotline on 132 316, 
  • ATO Drought Assistance line on 13 11 42 (Option 3) 
  • Tasmanian Department of State Growth on 1800 440 026

​AgriGr​​owth Loan Scheme - including yo​ung farmer support package

Lending and loans

​​The AgriGrowth Loan Scheme provides low interest loans to Tasmanian farm businesses and agri-food businesses. 

The Loan scheme will provide loans ranging from $100,000 to $3 million to fund projects that otherwise could not be brought forward and/or financed under normal banking arrangements.

​Visit Department of State Growth for eligibility and guidelines.​



PO Box 46,
Kings Meadows, TAS, 7249.