The Tasmanian AgriFutures Rural Women's Award

​​The Tasmania AgriFutures Rural Women's Award has two categories: 

  • Rural Women's Award
  • Acceleration Grant

How do I appl​y?

The 2025 applications are now closed.  

The AgriFutures Australia website provides important information about:

The Awards are open to all women involved in rural and emerging industries, rural and regional businesses, and rural and regional communities.  Women must be over the age of 18 and must be Australian citizens or permanent residents.  No formal qualifications are required.

You can also connect to AgriFutures Australia Facebook and connect to AgriFutures Twitter.​

Winners and Fina​​lists​​​

Meet the 2025 finalists

​C​​​hristina Giudici - Co-Founder of The New ​​Black Biochar​

​Christina Giudici from Bream Creek, is an agricultural scientist with a passion for natural systems that can generate and restore healthy soils and landscapes. She co-founded “New Black Biochar”, intending to demonstrate an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable enterprise making biochar from waste products. ​

Filipa Bellette - Co-Founder of Chris & Filly Functional Medicine​

​Filipa Bellette from Port Sorell, is on a mission to end “body burnout” in busy people experiencing energy, mood and gut issues. She is co-founder of a virtual  holistic health practise, Chris & Filly Functional Medicine. Their signature programs “Ending body burnout” is a 6-month healing course that is accessible online breaking down the barriers to access. They focus on all aspects of their clients including working with them to resolve self-image perceptions, people pleasing and general issues that cause body burn out. 

Sarah De Jonge - Founder of 1000 Hearts​

​Sarah De Jonge from Kingston, has a background in psychology and counselling.  Sarah has worked in the non-for-profit sector and this experience helped drive her 1000 Hearts project. The project first started in 2016 with Sarah hand stitching 1000 pocket hearts to give away as random acts of kindness. Her strong belief is that the power of kindness has a profound impact on people’s health and wellbeing. Sarah’s mission is to share that kindness with people across the world participating in making hearts and handing them out. 

Toni Coward - Founder of Sheila May Sw​​​im

​Toni Coward from Port Sorell, is a primary school teacher who runs a small business called Sheila May Swim which specialises in women’s swimwear. Toni’s mission is to create swimwear that promotes confidence in women when they are feeling most vulnerable. Sheila May Swim fosters strong community connection by running open nights that bring women together to create a safe and welcoming environment for all to feel confident and empowered, 

Winners and finalists from 2024 and earlier years

​Meet the 2024 Tasmanian Winner and Finalists and national state and territory Winners​ and listen to their stories

Meet the previous years ​Winners and Finalists​.

​​​​​What is th​e AgriFutures Rural Women's Award?

​The AgriFutures Rural Women's Award is Australia's leading Award in acknowledging and supporting the essential role women play in rural and emerging industries, businesses, and communities. It:

  • ​recognises, celebrates, and acknowledges exceptional women and their vital contribution

  • provides financial and practical support to implement award winners' visions 

  • celebrates exceptional contribution to rural communities and industry

  • builds skills in industry and leadership 

  • provides important recognition for the value of women in agriculture

Despite its name, the Award is primarily NOT about being the best rural woman - it is about identifying a learning opportunity that you believe will benefit you and your industry.  

Fast Facts​​​

  • Each state and territory winner receives a $15,000 bursary for existing projects, businesses or programs, a $7,500 Learning and Development budget, access to professional development opportunities and alumni networks.

  • The National Winner and Runner Up receive an additional $20,000 and $15,000 respectively.

  • State and territory department representatives provide individuals with guidance and feedback throughout the application process.

  • Previous winners and finalists have the opportunity to join the AgriFutures Rural Women’s Award Alumni.

  • Each state/territory has a Chair and Committee which sit on the selection panel to work alongside applicants and provide support along the way. The committees also work collaboratively with the state and territory agencies and facilitate events for Alumni in their state.

  • ​IN TASMANIA ONLY, finalists receive a Tasmanian Women in Agriculture​ (TWIA) Leadership and Skills Development Bursary as follows:

    • TWiA Encouragement ​Award (runner up) - $2,000

    • TWiA Rural Women's Development Award Finalists - $1,000 each

    Connect to Tasmanian Women in Agriculture Facebook

What is the Acceleration Grant?​​

The  Acceleration Grant aims to provide Australian women with learning and development opportunities, upskilling them so they can bring their idea, cause, or vision to life.

It will run se​parately to the Rural Women's Award; however it will complement the process, aiming to provide a leadership and development opportunity to women who are not quite ready to apply for the Award.

Fast ​Facts​

  • Seven x $7,000 Acceleration Grants for learning and development are awarded each year.

  • Applicants are required to have an idea, a cause, or a vision in its early stages.

  • The grants are awarded on mer​it, not per State/Territory.

  • Successful Acceleration Grant applicants can apply for the Rural Women's Award in the future.

Key Dates for both categories

​20 August 2024 

​2024 AgriFutures Rural Women's Award Gala Dinner and National Announcement

21 August 2024

​​2025 Applications open

9 October 2024

2025 Applications close

October 2024 - March 2025

Interviews take place with the state/territory Selection Panel.  Winners are announced.

18 March 2025

​2025 Tasmanian Winner announced

​July 2025

State/territory winners participate in a three day workshop and National Selection Panel interviews

September 2025

2025 AgriFutures Rural Women's Award Gala Dinner and National Announcement



Rural Women's Award Coordinator

Sue Weedon
PO Box 46,