Enterprise Suitability Maps

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​State-wide enterprise suitability maps are available using the mapping layer on​ LISTmap.

The maps show how agricultural crops need specific climatic, soil and landscape conditions to achieve optimum productivity. ​

These generally include areas with: 


  • low frost risk with adequate warmth during the growing season

  • well-drained soils 

  • neutral to slightly acidic pH range.

The crop rules show which areas have the best or worst conditions for particular crops or enterprises according to a suitability classfication system (refer to inset image for class ratings).
The rules also show if there are opportunities to improve conditions. 

The crop rules were developed in collaboration with the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA) and industry consultation using existing guidelines, literature, and research data, and presume adequate irrigation is available. ​​

There are 3 types of enterprise suitability maps available pertaining to each crop based on:

  • ​Current climate (to 2018)

  • Climate Futures for Tasmania projection modelling (to 2030 and 2050).

How to Use Enterprise Suitability Maps in LISTmap

When viewing the maps in LISTmap, information can viewed by clicking on any area of the map (ensure the relevant crop  is 'ticked' within the Layers/Add Layer panel – refer to Figure 1 for an example).

A pop-up box identifies information such as the 'Overall Suitability Rating' as well as other useful information including:

  • 'Constraints' - provides a list of attributes that limits a classification to a particular suitability rating.

  • 'Manageable Constraints' - provides a lists of soft limitation attributes that should be managed to meet the suitability rating.

Detailed instructions on how to access, view and use the Enterprise Suitability Maps on LISTmap are availble 

  LIST map instructions   (69Kb)

Please note that the information provides a regional guide to ​​help focus further, more detailed on-farm investigations before making investment or operational decisions.

​Additional information for assisting in site selection for each crop are found in the fact sheets (refer to Table 1).​

Potato Suitability Map Figure 1. LISTmap example portraying Enterprise Suitability Map for Potatoes​ - showing overall suitability rating as well as underlying soil and climate information (example produced for a site near Sassafras).

Table 1. List of Enterprise crops with links to corresponding fact sheets, suitability maps and crop rules.


Link to State-​wide Enterprise Suitability Map on LISTmap

​Crop Rules
(Including map user notes relevant to LISTmap)


Barley Growing in Tasmania Fact Sheet​

Ba​rley Enterprise Suitability Maps

Barley Crop Rules
Blueberries (Northern Highbush Varieties)

Blueberry Growing in Tasmania Fact Sheet 

Blueberry (Northern Highbush Varieties) Enterprise Suitability Maps

Blueberry (Northern Highbush Varieties) Crop Rules
Blueberries (Southern Highbush Varieties

Blueberry Growing in Tasmania Fact Sheet 

Blueberry (Southern Highbush Varieties) Enterprise Suitability Maps

Blueberry (Southern Highbush Varieties) Crop Rules

Carrot Growing in Tasmania Fact Sheet

Carrot Enterprise Suitability Maps

Carrot Crop Rules
Carrot Seed

Carrot Seed Growing in Tasmania Fact Sheet​

Carrot Seed Enterprise Suitability Maps

Carrot Seed Crop Rules​

Cherry Growing in Tasmania Fact Sheet

Cherry Enterprise Suitability Map

Cherry Crop Rules
Cocksfoot Continental
Tasmanian graziers guide to pasture, forage and fodder crops booklet

Cocksfoot Continental Enterprise Suitability Maps

Cocksfoot Continental Crop Rules
Cocksfoot Mediterranean
Tasmanian graziers guide to pasture, forage and fodder crops booklet​

​Cocksfoot Mediterranean Enterprise Suitability Maps

​​Cocksfoot Mediterranean Crop Rules

Farm Tree Species:
  • Eucalyptus globulus
  • Eucalyptus nitens
  • Pinus radiata

Farm Tree Species Enterprise Suitability Maps

Farm Tree Species Crop Rules

Hazelnut Growing in Tasmania Fact Sheet​

Hazelnut Enterprise Suitability Maps​

Hazelnut Crop Rules
​Industrial Hemp

Industrial Hemp Growing in Tasmania Fact Sheet

Industrial Hemp Enterprise Suitability Map

Industrial Hemp Crop Rules
Linseed Growing in Tasmania Fact Sheet

Linseed Enterprise Suitabiltiy Maps

Linseed Crop Rules

Lucerne Growing in Tasmania Fact Sheet

Tasmanian graziers guide to pasture, forage and fodder crops booklet

Lucerne Enterprise Suitability Maps

Lucerne​​​ Crop Rules

Olive Growing in Tasmania Fact Sheet​

Olive Enterprise Suitability Maps

Olive Crop Rules

Onion Growing in Tasmania Fact Sheet

Onion Enterprise Suitability Maps

Onion Crop Rules
Tasmanian Pastures and Field Crops Guide

Phalaris Enterprise Suitability Maps

Phalaris Crop Rules​

Poppy Growing in Tasmania Fact Sheet

Poppy Enterprise Suitability Maps

Poppy​ Crop Rules
Potato Growing in Tasmania Fact Sheet

Potato Enterprise Suitability Maps

Potato Crop Rules
Pyrethrum Growing in Tasmania Fact Sheet​

Pyrethrum Enterprise Suitability Maps

Pyrethrum Crop Rules​
Raspberry Growing in Tasmania Fact Sheet

Raspberry Enterprise Suitability Maps

Raspberry Crop Rules
​Red Clover
Tasmanian graziers guide to pasture, forage and fodder crops booklet

Red Clover Enterprise Suitability Maps

Red Clover Rules
Ryegrass for Dairy
Ryegrass for Dairy Growing in Tasmania Fact Sheet 

Tasmanian graziers guide to pasture, forage and fodder crops booklet

Ryegrass Enterprise Suitability Maps

Ryegrass Crop Rules​
Strawberry Growing in Tasmania Fact Sheet

Strawberry Enterprise Suitabiltiy Maps

Strawberry Crop Rules​
Strawberry Clover
Tasmanian graziers guide to pasture, forage and fodder crops booklet

Strawberry Clover Enterprise Suitability Maps

Strawberry Clover Crop Rules
Tall Fescue Continental
​Tasmanian graziers guide to pasture, forage and fodder crops booklet

Tall Fescue Continental Enterprise Suitability Maps

Tall Fescue Continental Crop Rules
Tall Fescue Mediterranean
Tasmanian graziers guide to pasture, forage and fodder crops booklet

Tall Fescue Mediterranean Enterprise Suitability Maps
Tall Fescue Mediterranean Crop Rules​​
Wheat Growing in Tasmania Fact Sheet

Wheat Enterprise Suitability Maps

Wheat Crop Rules​
​White Clover
Tasmanian graziers guide to pasture, forage and fodder crops booklet

White Clover Enterprise Suitability Maps

White Clover Crop Rules
Wine Grapes 
(Pinot Noir & Chardonnay)

Sparkling Wine Grape Enterprise Suitability Maps

Table Wine Grape Enterprise Suitability Maps​

Sparkling Wine Grapes Crop Rules

Table Wine Grapes Crop Rules​


Natural Assets Spatial Intelligence Section (NASIS)

171 Westbury Road,