Assessment of Extent and Impacts of Salinity in Tasmania

Extent and Impacts of Dryland Salinity in Tasmania is also known as the Tasmanian Salinity Audited. It was completed by CH Bastick and MG Walker in 2002 as the report of a project under the National Land and Water Resource Audit​.

An Executive Summary of the Report is available.

The full report is also available in two volumes:

Volume 1​​

This volume contains:

  • description of the methodology

  • key findings for agriculture, water, biodiversity and infrastructure

  • applications of key findings

  • recommendations​

Volume 2 Appendices​

This volume contains the main background information and analyses used to compile the information in Volume 1:

  • Appendix 1 Land Systems in Tasmania containing Areas of Salinity

  • Appendix 2 Extent trends and economic impact of Dryland Salinity in Tasmania.Appendix 3 Groundwater

  • Appendix 4(a) Surface Water Monitoring

  • Appendix 4(b) Surface water in Tasmania - an Overview

  • Appendix 5 Potential impacts of Salinity on Biodiversity Values in Tasmania​

In addition to the two reports a series of three 1:250 000 maps depicting Land Systems Containing Areas of Salinity in 2000 have been published:

 Land Systems Containing Areas of Salinity 2003 (PDF 999Kb)