Soil Management

​​​​Good soil condition and fertility are basic to sustainable agriculture. An ideal soil should be well drained, have a deep rooting zone, be easily penetrated by air, water, and roots, have a good water-holding capacity, have a balanced nutrient supply, and resist erosion.

Soil erosion, soil structural decline and organic matter decline under cropping have been recognised as the major soil management problems for the State.

In this topic

  • Soil Erosion
    Information on the extent, types, and control of soil erosion in Tasmania.
  • Irrigation
    More careful use of water is necessary to ensure optimum use of the available water supplies.
  • Land Drainage
    Drains are constructed and are important for carrying excess water off agricultural land.
  • Soil Organic Matter
    Organic matter is widely regarded as a vital component of a healthy soil. It is an important part of soil's physical, chemical and biological fertility.
  • Soil pH & Liming
    Soil pH affects the solubility of minerals or nutrients essential for plant growth.
  • Soil Publications
    Recommended guides a number of Tasmanian soil management issues for crop and pasture production, and tomaintain soil in good condition.
  • Soil Sampling
    The correct procedure for collecting soil samples to ensure consistent & reliable results.
  • Soil Structure
    Information on cropping soils, deep ripping, drainage and Kraznozem (Ferrosol) topsoil structure.