Livestock Identification

​​To buy, sell or move livestock from one property to another or for slaughter, animals must be properly identified. Livestock identification allows animals to be traced back to where they have come from or to where they may have been moved in the event of a disease outbreak or chemical contamination.

If you have a PIC number (e.g. MABC1234) and are already registered for NLIS tags please order from your local rural agent store or any online company.

In this topic

​In addition to Vendor Declarations, a Health Statement (available from the Animal Health Australia Farm Biosecurity website) may be required by legislation, the purchaser or person in-charge of the destination property. These Health Statements provide specific biosecurity information about the animals being moved for sale, agistment or other reasons.


Registrar of Animal Brands

Biosecurity Tasmania,
Product Integrity Branch, Primary Produce Traceability Program,
New Town Research Laboratories,
13 St Johns Avenue - New Town - Tasmania 7008,
GPO Box 44,
New Town, TAS, 7008.

NLIS Forms and Requests

GPO Box 44,
Hobart, TAS, 7001.