Registration for Property Identification Code (PIC)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​A Property Identification Code (PIC) is a unique eight character alphanumeric code allocated by the Natural Resources and Environment (NRE Tas) for:

  • single properties
  • multiple properties operating as a single enterprise.

All properties that run livestock must be registered with​ NRE Tas and have a PIC allocated to buy, sell and move livestock, and before ordering National Livestock Identification System​ devices.

​Registration of properties is highly recommended for other, non-animal, primary industry enterprises and hobby farms.

How t​​o​​ apply

Use the button below to register or amend a PIC online:

​You can also register for a PIC by completing and emailing the 'Application for a PIC' form below to

 PIC and NLIS Registration Form (PDF 173Kb)

​If you have more than one property, you can apply to have these amalgamated under one PIC.

 Property Identification Code Consolidation Form (PDF 139Kb)


NLIS Forms and Requests

GPO Box 44,
Hobart, TAS, 7001.