Buying and Selling Pigs

​​​​​​Buying and Selling Pigs Button

The following outlines what you must do if you wish to buy or sell pigs.


1. Tattooing

Pigs over the age of 10 weeks must be tattooed on the shoulder with a registered body tattoo within the seven days prior to leaving the property for sale or slaughter. This includes pigs being sent for slaughter on behalf of the owner.

Pigs resold within seven days do not have to be re-tattooed.

Recording of Movements

2. Vendor Declaration

Whenever pigs are sold a Vendor Declaration must be provided to the saleyard or purchaser. This applies for any change of ownership.

Both parties are to keep a copy for a minimum of 2 years.
Mob based movements are to be recorded on the PigPass website.

3. Purchasers to Provide PIC

If you are buying pigs make sure you provide the saleyard or vendor with the Property Identification Code (PIC) of the property the pigs are to be moved to.


NLIS Forms and Requests

GPO Box 44,
Hobart, TAS, 7001.

Registrar of Animal Brands

Biosecurity Tasmania,
Product Integrity Branch, Primary Produce Traceability Program,
New Town Research Laboratories,
13 St Johns Avenue - New Town - Tasmania 7008,
GPO Box 44,
New Town, TAS, 7008.