Australia’s livestock traceability system has the ability to track an animal from paddock to plate, recording the animal’s movements throughout its entire life.
The many benefits of effective traceability can be seen in individual business and industry as a whole – livestock can be easily linked to a property and an owner and it allows for the effective surveillance of endemic and exotic diseases.
Below are some useful livestock traceability resources and information:
NLIS and National Vendor Declarations
Stand By What You Sell
Stand By What You Sell webinars are hosted by Integrity Systems Company (ISC) and presented in collaboration with the Tasmanian Government, through Biosecurity Tasmania/Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE), and the Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association.
Webinar #3 (30 August 2021) covered:
The role of the Integrity Systems Company
The importance of the red meat integrity system
NLIS – what is means on-farm
Property Identification Code (PIC)
Animal Identification
Recording livestock transfers in the database
Webinar #2 (9 June 2021) covered:
The role of the Integrity Systems Company
- The importance of the red meat integrity system
- The integrity system programs – LPA and NLIS
- LPA accreditation and auditing
- Record keeping tips
- Uploading documents to LPA account
- The General Biosecurity Duty (GBD)
Webinar #1 (13 July 2020) covered:
changes to National Vendor Declarations (NVD)
how to start using the faster, easier new eNVD platform
accreditation and audits for Livestock Production Assurance (LPA)
transfers and reconciliations for the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS)
linking all your integrity accounts in one place using myMLA.
Australia's red meat integrity system
The video below produced by
Integrity Systems Company describes
how the key programs in Australia's red meat integrity system (LPA, NLIS and LPA NVDs) link together to ensure producers can stand by what they sell.