Sheep and Goat Electronic Identification Device (eID)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Mandatory electronic identification (eID) for newborn sheep and goats is a requirement in Tasmania from 1 January 2025.


​eIDs are National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) approved tags that contain a microchip which provides a unique electronic identification of an animal​.

eIDs are not just for producers of sheep and goats. Once implemented in Tasmania, the new requirements will apply even if you own only a few backyard animals.

By January 2027, all sheep or goats leaving your property must be fitted with an eID, regardless of their age or destination.

Tasmania's rollout schedule is described in the implementation plan:

Tas Sheep and Goat Electronic Identification Implementation Plan(PDF 538Kb)

The elD system:

  • allows enhanced biosecurity management as individual sheep and goats to be traced more accurately and efficiently,

  • allows us to quickly respond and recover from emergency animal disease outbreaks,

  • improves consumer confidence in sheep and goat products,

  • strengthens market access, and

  • enhances herd monitoring and management.

Detailed information is provided on the eID FAQ webpage​.

Financial assistance​

​To support the introduction of national mandatory individual electronic identification (eID) for sheep and goats by 1 January 2025 the Government is providing funding for eligible applicants:

Funding type ​

Funding details

Grant Round 3 Producer Support Scheme 

Now open

​Grant Roun​d 3 is now open for applications to provide reimbursements for eID scanning equipment. 

Eligible applicants include:

  • Sheep and goat owners
  • Agricultural show societies
  • School farms
  • Organisations that run livestock events for (or with) sheep or goats
  • Local Government
  • Not-for-profit organisations
  • Veterinarians that treat sheep or goats
For more information visit Grant Round 3 webpage.

Grant Round 2 ​eID Tag Rebate Scheme​​

Now open

​This round provides a discount of $1 per tag (or $4 per legband) to eID purchasers at the point of sale for NLIS approved eIDs. You do not need to apply for this discount, just check with your rural supplier. 

The discount scheme aims to help owners of sheep and goats transition from the current visual device and mob-based approach to individual sheep or goat tags, by providing a discount on purchased tags. 

For more information visit the ​Grant Round 2 webpage​.

​​Grant Round 1 of the Support Scheme
Now closed

Grant Round 1 provided support to supply chain participants to upgrade or install scanning ​equipment and technologies across the following facilities and industries:

  • Saleyards

  • Processors

  • Livestock transporters and transport depots

  • Livestock agencies

  • Agents

For more information visit the Grant Round 1 webpage.​​


Next steps​
  • 1 June 2024 – 30 June 2026:
    A grant round for eID tag funding. This round provides rebates for NLIS approved eID ear tags and leg bands. ​

  • 1 July 2024 – 30 June 2025:
    A grant round​​ for eID scanning devices. This round will provide rebates for eID scanning equipment for eligible producers, show societies and other categories.

  • 1 Jan 2025:
    Mandatory eID tagging of all sheep and goats born on or after 1 Jan 2025 that move off the property. All supply chain participants ready to scan eID tags

  • 1 Jan 2027:
    Mandatory eID tagging of all sheep and goats that move off property regardless of age or destination.

Biosecurity (Liv​estock Traceability) Regulations​ ​

The Biosecurity (Livestock Traceability)  Regulations 2024​ were gazetted on 11 December 2024​.​

Biosecurity Tasmania sought feedback from stakeholders on the new Regulations in 2024 over a period of 8 weeks and 4 days.

Submissions were used to inform the development of the new Regulations.​​​​

Visit the Biosecurity (Livestock Traceability) Regulations page​ for more information.


Sheep and Goat Traceability Taskforce (SGTTF) webinars​

If you missed the Sheep and Goat Traceability Taskforce (SGTTF) webinars with information about the transition to eIDs, you can visit the SGTTF Webinar Series webpage​ to access recordings of the webinars.

The Regenerative Agricultural Network Tasmania​ also held a useful webinar on sheep & goat eID​ sponsored by the TAS Farm Innovation Hub​. The webinar addressed how sheep and goat eID can be set-up and implemented on-farm, and highlighted multiple benefits including increased drought resilience, reduced animal stress, and how the data can used to make w​ell-informed business decisions.

Videos with information about sheep and goat eIDs are also available:



More information​​

More information is available on the sheep and goat eID frequently asked questions webpage. Stay up to date by subscribing to our eID newsletter.​

The Sheep & Goat eID webpage on the Integrity Systems website contains further information, which may be beneficial. ​


eID Support Officer

Mobile: 0429 968 078