The global competitiveness of Tasmanian agricultural sectors is influenced by the ability to understand and respond to changing market and trade situations. The following sources of statistical data sets are often used by industry analysts to help benchmark the health of an industry over time.
Tasmanian Agri-Food ScoreCard
The Tasmanian Agri-Food ScoreCard has been published annually by DPIPWE since 2004-2005 and presents the most comprehensive analysis of data relating to the Tasmanian Agricultural sector and food production industries.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) provides a wide range of datasets, information and reports. Some data, such as trade data, must be purchased (a summary is available from the Department of State Growth), but other data are available for free, and are typically broken down into the state, Statistical Division, and Natural Resource Management (NRM) region levels. For example:
Data relating to international agricultural commodity prices and agricultural inputs such as fertiliser are regularly published by organisations such as Global Dairy Trade and Index Mundi.