Seed Production

​​​​​​​Vegetable and pasture seed production is a growing industry in Tasmania. With a farm gate value of $41 million in 2021-22​, this industry produces many of the varieties that underpin the broader Australian crop and pasture-based livestock industries.

The Tasmanian Crop and Pasture Seed Industry Plan 2020-23 (the Plan) has been developed as a collaboration between industry, the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture and the Tasmanian Government to identify opportunities to support the continued growth of the seed production industry. It identifies three priority areas of industry development: profitable production and sustainable farming systems; seed quality and purity; and promoting industry communication and connection.​

  Crop and Pasture Seed Industry Plan 2020-23   (520Kb)


AgriGrowth Tasmania through FarmPoint

Level 3, 134 Macquarie Street,
GPO Box 44,
Hobart, TAS, 7001.