Poppies are a potentially dangerous crop and community safety is an important issue in the regulation of the industry.
Field officers of the Poppy Advisory and Control Board regularly patrol crops and ensure that security requirements (such as fencing and signage) are upheld.
Fencing requirements
The perimeters of roadside paddocks where you grow your poppy crop must be entirely fenced.
The licence holder must ensure that fences are sufficient in accordance with Section 4 of the Boundary Fences Act 1908. Sufficient fence is defined under Section 4 'as a fence which is ordinarily capable of resisting cattle or sheep, except where such a fence is in a city or town or adjacent to a dwelling-house, when the expression means a fence of the description and quality agreed'.
Warning notices
Warning signs will be placed at gates and around the boundaries of a roadside crop, with the warning that entry is prohibited and illegal use of the crop may cause death.
Restricted access
Access to poppy fields is restricted to licence holders and their workers and authorised poppy field officers.
Anyone else who needs to enter a poppy field (for example, to do soil testing or repair equipment or infrastructure) must get permission from the licence holder and should advise the Regulated Crops Branch before entering the site.
Trespassing on poppy fields, taking and possessing poppies and poppy materials is illegal. There are substantial penalties for these activities, including fines and/or imprisonment.
If you see any unusual or suspicious behaviour near poppy crops, please report it to Tasmania Police.