Growing Tasmanian Agriculture - Research, Development and Extension for 2050

​​​The Tasmanian Government has an ambitious goal to grow the annual value of the State’s agriculture to $10 billion by 2050. Investment in agricultural research, development and extension (RD&E) is a key factor to achieving the growth rate necessary to reach this target. 

​The pages below explain how we are supporting agricultural RD&E in partnership with industry and the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture.

In this topic

  • Setting Directions for RD&E
    The goal of the Tasmanian Government’s investment in agricultural RD&E is to achieve sustainable productivity growth in the Tasmanian agricultural sector – a key pillar of the State’s economy. The State Government engages with Tasmanian agribusinesses, agribusiness service providers, the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture and the broader community to set the direction for RD&E to achieve that goal
  • Funding for RD&E Projects
    The Tasmanian Government provides a range of funding for RD&E to promote sustainable growth and innovation in Tasmanian agriculture.
  • Research Farm Capacity
    ​The Plan for Tasmania's Research Farm Capacity outlines the framework for how Tasmania's public research farms will be used to help deliver modern agricultural RD&E for Tasmanian farmers and agribusiness.


AgriGrowth Tasmania through FarmPoint

Level 3, 134 Macquarie Street,
GPO Box 44,
Hobart, TAS, 7001.