Aquaculture Biosecurity

​​Aquatic pests and diseases can have significant impacts on aquaculture. Protecting the environment and Tasmania’s aquaculture industry requires a strong biosecurity system.

What is Aquaculture Biosecurity?

A major potential threat to any aquaculture operation is the introduction and spread of existing pests and diseases, or the emergence of new pests and diseases, within farmed stock. 

Biosecurity describes the systems put in place to protect aquaculture operations and their stock from biosecurity threats. 

Strong biosecurity practices minimise risk, improve operational performance, support farm productivity, and result in healthier animals and a safer environment. 

Aquaculture Biosecurity in Tasmania

Aquaculture biosecurity in Tasmania is managed by Biosecurity Tasmania, a Strategic Business Unit of the Department of National Resources and Environment Tasmania.

Biosecurity Tasmania undertakes surveillance and regulatory activities, risk analysis and planning, provision of support to operators, and awareness, communication and engagement programs. 

Biosecurity Tasmania works in accordance with the Biosecurity Act 2019. The Aquaculture Branch works closely with Biosecurity Tasmania to provide support and advice in identifying and managing biosecurity risks.

Learn more about Biosec​urity Tasmania​.

Salmon Biosecurity

As Tasmania’s largest seafood sector, salmon aquaculture farming has dedicated policy and planning frameworks with tailored biosecurity systems. This includes:​

Salmonid Industry Biosecurity Program

The Salmonid Industry Biosecurity Program is part of Tasmania’s new Aquaculture Standards. The program aims to improve the overall biosecurity of all salmonid production in Tasmania by preventing, eliminating or minimising the risks posed by infectious diseases and aquatic pests.

Learn more about the Salmonid Industry Biosecurity Program.​ 

Tasmanian Salmonid Health Surveillance Program 

The Tasmanian Salmonid Health Surveillance Program is an aquatic animal health service that monitors fish health and detects new or emerging diseases. 

The Centre for Aquatic Animal Health and Vaccines​ is operated as part of the program, which is a diagnostics and disease research facility that plays a key role in promoting aquatic animal health and managing disease risk.

The centre has led the development of salmonid vaccines to improve fish health and enable industry growth.


Biosecurity Tasmania