Report Marine Farming Debris

​​​​​​Use this page to report aquaculture equipment located in state waters outside of a marine farming lease area, including the shoreline, without authorisation. 

​How to Report Marine Farming Debris

To report marine farming debris, use the online form below or email the Aquaculture Branch at and include all information on the form (your name, contact details, date, time, location and description of debris).

Please note that the Aquaculture Branch may not be able to investigate marine farming debris if the report is anonymous. 

If marine farming debris poses a navigational hazard, contact Marine and Safety Tasmania  (MAST) via the dedicated hotline 1300 DEBRIS (1300 332 747).

If a whale, dolphin or seal (dead or alive) is entangled in marine farming debris, contact the Department’s Marine Conversation Program via the whale hotline 1427 WHALES (0427 942 537).​​

Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

The date and time you saw the marine farming debris
Select a date from the calendar.  

Include GPS coordinates if available.

Describe the marine farming debris, including any specific identifying features, such as branding, text and colour.

Only image(.jpg, .tiff, .png), plain text (.txt), Word (.doc or .docx), Excel (.xls or .xlsx), PDF or ZIP files are accepted.

Your Personal Information

Personal information collected from you will be used by NRE Tas for the purpose of verifying information relating to a marine farming debris notification and investigating potential breaches of law relating to marine debris. All personal information will be managed in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 2004 and the Department’s Personal Information Protection Policy. Your personal information will be used for the primary purpose for which it is collected but may be disclosed to the contractors and agents of the NRE Tas, other law enforcement agencies including Marine and Safety Tasmania, Courts and other organisations authorised to collect it.