Marine Farming Planning Review Panel

​​​​​​​The Marine Farming Planning Review Panel (the panel) makes recommendations to the Minister about proposed Marine Farming Development Plan drafts or amendments, according to assessment, planning and regulatory frameworks.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

​The Panel comprises a Chairperson and experts in the areas of planning, environmental management, marine farming, fish health and biosecurity, marine resource management, boating, recreation and navigation, and local Government. 

The role of the Panel includes:

  • considering draft Marine Farming Development Plans, amendments and modifications (including environmental impact statements and comments from the public during consultation processes)

  • making recommendations to the Minister for Primary Industries and Water in relation to the draft plan, amendment or modification. 

The Panel may conduct hearings to perform these functions or undertake other activities determined by the Minister. 

Panel Members​​

Panel members are appointed by the Governor under section 8 of the Marine Farming Planning Act 1995

Current Panel members are:

Panel member​​

​Role as related to the Marine Farming Planning Act 1995

Lloyd Klumpp
​S 8(2)(a) as Chair​person
Mitchell Clark
​S 8(2)(b) as a person with ability and experience in planning issues nominated by the Chairperson of the RPDC
Paul West
​S 8(2)(c) as a person, other than the Director, EPA, with ability and experience in environmental management
Phillipa Sims​
​S 8(2)(ca) as a person other than the Director, EPA, with ability and expertise in fish health and biosecurity
Colin Buxton
​S 8(2)(d) as a person with ability in marine resource management
​Terry Long​
​S 8(2)(e) as a person with ability to assess boating, recreational and navigational issues
Phil Lamb
​S 8(2)(f) as a person with experience in marine farming
Cheryl Arnol
​S 8(2)(fa) as a person with expertise in local government issues
​Heather ChongS 8(2)(g) as person nominated by the Minister

​​​Panel Decisio​​​ns and Reports​​​​​​

In 2017, Petuna Aquaculture applied to prepare the Storm Bay North MFDP to provide for finfish farming in the north central area of Storm Bay.

  MFPRP Decision Report for Draft Storm Bay North MFDP November 2018   (1Mb)

   Errata - Ap​pendix B - MFPRP Decision Report for Draft Storm Bay North MFDP November 2018 (12 April 2019)   (260Kb)

In 2017, Tassal requested an amendment to the existing MFDP to create a new marine farming zone west of Wedge Island in Storm Bay.

   Decision Report for Draft Amendment No. 5 to the Tasman Peninsula and Norfolk Bay MFDP 22 August 2018  (996Kb)

In 2017, Huon Aquaculture requested an amendment to the existing MFDP to create a new marine farming zone Yellow Bluff.

   Decision Report for Draft Amendment No. 3 to the Storm Bay off Trumpeter Bay North Bruny Island MFDP 12 August 2018   (959Kb)