Aquaculture in Adjacent Commonwealth Waters

​​​Consistent with the National Aquaculture Strategy, the Tasmanian Government has set the objective to maximise the potential opportunity from aquaculture in adjacent Commonwealth waters including salmon, seaweed, shellfish and potentially other species. 

The legislative and legal framework and related processes has been developed to provide for marine aquaculture research activities in adjacent Commonwealth waters that will be regulated and managed by the Tasmanian Government. This includes the potential first step of an aquaculture research trial conducted by the Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre (CRC)​.

Over the longer term, legislative amendments, policy and administrative arrangements would need to be developed before any commercial scale aquaculture could occur in Commonwealth waters relevant to Tasmania.

Tasmanian Policy for Marine Aquaculture Research Activities in Adjacent Commonwealth Waters

The Policy outlines the Tasmanian Government’s framework for regulating and managing marine aquaculture research activities in adjacent Commonwealth waters.

It contains a set of policy principles that will guide decision-making in relation to marine aquaculture research permits. Importantly, each application for a permit would need to be determined on its merits and in accordance with applicable Tasmanian legislation.

The Policy will also apply to any potential future research, subject to provisions of relevant Fisheries Management Arrangements, that may be entered into between the Australian and Tasmanian Governments.


​Proposed Research

The Policy guides a proposed offshore marine aquaculture research trial by the Blue Economy CRC in Commonwealth waters adjacent to Tasmania.

Learn more about the proposed research

Permit Supporting Information Guidelines

These Guidelines assist the Blue Economy CRC and potential future research applicants to ensure relevant and sufficient detail is provided as supporting information alongside the permit application, which assists the Minister in considering any permit application.

Permit Application

 Application for a Permit (PDF 365Kb)

​Background Information​​

Offshore Aquaculture Research - Legislative Amendments

The Living Marine Resources Management Amendment (Aquaculture Research) Act 2022 passed in March 2022, creating the legislative framework to enable aquaculture research in Commonwealth waters adjoining Tasmanian state waters. ​

 Consultation paper - Living Marine Resources Management Amendment (Aquaculture Research) Bill 2021 (PDF 450Kb)

 Summary report - Living Marine Resources Management Amendment (Aquaculture Research) Bill 2021  (PDF 148Kb)

 Public submissions - Living Marine Resources Management Amendment (Aquaculture Research) Bill 2021 (PDF 1Mb)​

​Aquaculture research arrangement and Memorandum of Understanding​

In April 2022, the Australian and Tasmanian Governments executed an arrangement to allow aquaculture research activities to take place in the Australian Fishing Zone. This is accompanied by a Memorandum of Understanding to support the implementation and operation of an aquaculture research trial in Commonwealth waters adjoining Tasmanian waters in Bass Strait.

 S72 Arrangement - Aquaculture Research Trial Commonwealth Waters (PDF 194Kb)

​​ MoU Aquaculture Research Trial Commonwealth Waters (PDF 494Kb)​

​​Aquaculture in Commonwealth Waters Memorandum of Understanding

In September 2021, the Australian and Tasmanian Governments agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding to support the Implementation of the National Aquaculture Strategy Enabling Off-Shore Aquaculture in Adjoining Commonwealth Waters.