Tasmanian Salmon Industry Plan 2023

​The Tasmanian Salmon Industry Plan 2023 is an enduring, long-term plan providing direction and certainty for the future of the Tasmanian salmon industry. 

It establishes a strategic framework to guide the Government’s long-term priorities for the Tasmanian salmon industry, and is designed to be responsive to the significant opportunities and potential challenges for the industry and supporting businesses in an ever-evolving global seafood market.  ​

​The Tasmanian Salmon Industry Plan 2023 came into effect on 1 May 2023.​

 Tasmanian Salmon Industry Plan 2023 (PDF 2Mb)

 Overview - Tasmanian Salmon Industry Plan 2023 (PDF 433Kb)

Related d​​​ocuments:

 Implementation Program - Tasmanian Salmon Industry Plan 2023 (PDF 1Mb)​

​​​​​The Tasmanian Government's vision is for a sustainable industry all Tasmanians can be proud of - one that is economically successful, environmentally responsible, socially beneficial and well managed.​

Full cost recovery​​

​​​The government has moved from partial cost recovery to recovering the full costs of managing the salmon farming industry, a priority action under the Tasmanian Salmon Industry Plan 2023.

​Find out more information about full cos​t recovery​ on the Cost Recovery webpage.

​​Developing the Plan​

Development of the Plan has included an extensive public engagement, including community briefing sessions and independent engagement delivered by the Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre. 

The How We Got Here document explains how the Plan has been developed and the Consultation Summary Report provide an overview of submissions received on the Draft Plan:

Other documents relating to the development of the Plan (such as the Discussion Paper and Draft Plan) can be found on the National Library of Australia website​.

​​Reports and progress​​

​​The Salmon Industry Working Group met for the first time on 10 August 2023. All meeting communiques will be made publicly available below.

 28 June 2024 - Salmon Industry Working Group communique (PDF 137Kb)​

 29 April 2024 - Salmon Industry Working Group communique (PDF 95Kb)​

 1 February 2024 - Salmon Industry Working Group communique (PDF 94Kb)

 18 December 2023 - Salmon Industry Working Group communique  (PDF 97Kb)

 6 November 2023 Salmon Industry Working Group communique (PDF 96Kb)

 28 September 2023 Salmon Industry Working Group communique (PDF 102Kb)

 10 August 2023 Salmon Industry Working Group communique (PDF 32Kb)​