Growing and Harvest Areas

​​​​​​​​​ShellMAP maintains a list of approved growing areas in Tasmania, their management plans, and their current harvesting status permitting where harvesting can take place. 

​Grow​​​ing areas

ShellMAP defines growing areas across the state, each containing a number of harvest areas.

ShellMAP is responsible for the formal closure and opening of harvest areas, which may be triggered by the level of environmental risk identified through ShellMAP monitoring and sampling activities.

​There are currently 30 ShellMAP growing areas, containing 50 harvest areas.

​​​Current harvest status

ShellMAP occasionally closes growing areas for short periods of time due to environmental conditions, such as heavy rainfall and toxic algal blooms. During these periods, harvesting is not permitted, under the Primary Produce Safety (Seafood) Regulations 2014. 

Current harvesting status of growing areas is outlined in the current classification notice. The classification notice takes effect on the date of issue, and revokes and replaces all previous classification notices. It remains in force until it is revoked.

Read the current classification notice.​

​​Revoked classification notices

​Revoked classification notices are archived as monthly collections. If an individual document is required, please contact the ShellMAP Regulatory Services team with a month and notice number.​​

​Growi​​ng area management plans

Each growing area has a management plan, which is the guidance document used for decisions on opening and closing growing areas.

Management criteria are established using data collected and analysed according to Australian Shellfish Quality Assurance Program (ASQAP) Guidelines. Annual and triennial reviews ensure the data is current and fit for purpose.   

​Find and download a management plan within the following council areas:

​Huon ​C​ouncil​

 Management Plan - Montagu (PDF 373Kb)​

 Management Plan - Big Bay (PDF 415Kb)

 Management Plan - Duck Bay (PDF 479Kb)​

​​Glamorgan-Spring Bay Council

 Management Plan - Great Swanport (PDF 361Kb)

 Management Plan - Great Oyster Bay (PDF 327Kb)

 Management Plan - Little Swanport (PDF 398Kb)

​​Clarence Council

 Management Plan - Pittwater (PDF 590Kb)

 Management Plan - Island Inlet (PDF 649Kb)

 Management Plan - Pipeclay Lagoon (PDF 775Kb)

​​Sorell Council

 Management Plan - Boomer Bay (PDF 667Kb)

 Management Plan - Dunalley Bay (PDF 546Kb)​

Latrobe Council

 Management Plan - Port Sorell (PDF 352Kb)

Break O'Day Council

 Management Plan - Moulting Bay (PDF 414Kb)​​