
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​General​ Laboratory LabFacts​

 AHL LabFact Completing a Submission form (PDF 175Kb)

 AHL Laboratory Submission form (PDF 100Kb)

 Animal Health Laboratories Current Fees (PDF 305Kb)

 AHL LabFact Submissions Reports Samples Feedback (PDF 59Kb)

 AHL LabFact Sampling birds for Avian Influenza investigation (PDF 68Kb)​

Aquatic A​​nimals LabFacts​​

 Fish Disease Investigation Kit (PDF 669Kb)

 Guidelines and Procedures Manual for Field Sampling of Fish for Disease Investigation and Health Monitoring (PDF 489Kb)

 Aquatic Animal Submission Form (PDF 188Kb)

 AHL LabFact Unusual signs in wild fish (PDF 176Kb)

 AHL LabFact Sample collection for fish virus isolation (PDF 76Kb)​

​Microbiol​​ogy LabFacts

 AHL LabFact Bovine Infertility Investigation (PDF 185Kb)

 AHL LabFact Campylobacter IgA (PDF 98Kb)

 AHL LabFact Footrot - Collection of Samples (PDF 89Kb)

 AHL LabFact Honey Brood Comb submissions (PDF 374Kb)

​Molecular Bio​​​logy LabFacts

 AHL LabFact A salmonicida GUD sampling SEC-PCR (PDF 127Kb)

 AHL LabFact Yruckeri sampling SEC-PCR (PDF 239Kb)

 AHL LabFact Oyster sampling including OsHV1 (PDF 108Kb)

 AHL LabFact Fpsychrophilum skin sampling (PDF 207Kb)


 AHL LabFact Sampling birds for Avian Influenza investigation (PDF 68Kb)

Parasitology LabFacts

 AHL Labfact Getting the best from your Wormtest (PDF 117Kb)

 AHL LabFact Getting the best from your Fluketest (PDF 133Kb)

 AHL LabFact Equine Wormtest - Sample Collection (PDF 88Kb)

 AHL LabFact Equine Wormtest - What is it? (PDF 102Kb)

 Equine Wormtest Advice Form (PDF 155Kb)

 Ovine Wormtest Advice Form (PDF 173Kb)

 Bovine Wormtest Advice Form (PDF 133Kb)

​​Pat​​hology LabFacts

 AHL LabFact Field post mortem samples (PDF 116Kb)

 AHL LabFact Wobbly possum syndrome (PDF 118Kb)

 AHL LabFact Bovine Abortion Field Sampling (PDF 181Kb)

​S​​er​​ology LabFacts

 AHL LabFact Campylobacter IgA (PDF 98Kb)

​​Tasman​​​ian devil Facial T​​umour LabFacts

 AHL LabFact DFTD sample collection (PDF 190Kb)

​​​Water M​icr​​obiology LabFacts

 AHL LabFact Water Sampling Guidelines (PDF 171Kb)