Cattle Biosecurity

​Information on cattle diseases and biosecurity.

In this topic

  • Acetonaemia in Cows
    A disease commonly seen in high producing dairy cows, or in cows on a poor diet.
  • Acute Bovine Liver Disease
    Previously known as phytotoxic hepatitis, acute bovine liver disease affects beef and dairy cattle. ABLD occurs sporadically throughout Tasmania.
  • Botulism
    Although instances of botulism affecting humans are rare, it is a common disease in animals and birds.
  • Bovine Pestivirus
    Also known as bovine viral diarrhoea virus, or BVD or BVDV, or mucosal disease virus.
  • Brucellosis in Cattle
    Causes mass abortion in cattle herds.
  • Enzootic Bovine Leucosis (EBL)
    EBL is a viral disease of cattle.
  • Facial Eczema
    Facial eczema (FE) is a type of sunburn (sometimes called photosensitisation) affecting exposed areas of pale skin of cattle.
  • Foot-and-Mouth Disease
    Information about foot-and-mouth disease and how to keep it out of Australia and Tasmania.
  • Grass Tetany/Grass Staggers
    Magnesium deficiency. It can affect stock in late autumn, winter and spring. This is not the same disease as perennial ryegrass staggers.
  • Johne's Disease (JD) in Cattle
    An incurable, infectious wasting disease.
  • Lumpy Skin Disease
    Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is a serious and highly contagious emergency animal disease that affects cattle and buffalo.
  • Mad Cow Disease (BSE)
    An emergency animal disease that would have serious consequences for the cattle industry.
  • Perennial Ryegrass Staggers
    Caused by toxins in the leaves of perennial rye grass. This is not the same disease as grass tetany.
  • Salmonellosis in Dairy Cattle
    Salmonellosis is the clinical disease caused by a bacteria called Salmonella, which can live for long periods in the environment. Salmonellosis is a notifiable disease in Tasmania because of the risk to human health and also because it can cause serious losses on farm.

​See also:

  Mycoplasma Fact Sheet   (492Kb)