This page contains fact sheets and links to information about specific diseases of current interest which affect animals and can be transmitted to humans, also known as Zoonotic diseases.
Leptospirosis (or ‘lepto’) is caused by Leptospira bacteria and is detected in a wide range of animals. Leptospirosis is a zoonosis i.e. the infection can be transferred between animals and humans and represents a WHS hazard particularly to dairy and pig farmers, abattoir workers and veterinarians. In humans, one of the severe forms of leptospirosis is also known as Weil’s disease.
For more information visit the web page Leptospirosis.
Salmonella Enteritidis
Salmonellosis affects a wide range of animals including mammals, birds and reptiles.
Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) is a variety of salmonella rarely detected in Australia and even rarer in commercial layer hens. SE infection in poultry is unusual in that it can infect hens and be transferred into the egg during its development. SE has caused significant disruption to egg industries overseas, and very recently in parts of Australia.
For further information download the fact sheet:
Salmonellosis in Dairy Cattle
Salmonellosis is the clinical disease caused by a bacteria called Salmonella, which can live for long periods in the environment. Salmonellosis is a zoonotic disease, which means it can infect and cause serious illness in humans. Maintaining good hygiene practices is essential to reducing the zoonotic risk. Young children, pregnant women and immunocompromised people are more susceptible to the disease.
Salmonellosis is a notifiable disease in Tasmania because of the risk to human health and also because it can cause serious losses on farm.