What should I do if I see something unusual in wild birds?
Sick and dead birds should not be handled without proper personal protection equipment.
If you come across five or more dead or sick wild birds, or any number of sick or dead endangered animals such as wedge-tailed eagles, or you should immediately phone the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline on 1800 675 888.
Is it safe to eat wild game birds such as wild ducks or muttonbirds?
It is generally considered safe to consume wild game birds and muttonbirds providing they are handled with good hygiene and cooked properly.
Only birds that appear healthy should be caught. Never eat sick looking birds, or ones that are found dead, even if still fresh.
How should wild game species and mutton birds be handled?
Normal sanitary precautions should always be followed when handling any wild birds and muttonbirds. This includes:
Wearing rubber gloves or food-prep gloves while handling and cleaning birds.
After handling or cleaning birds, wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water or disinfect with an alcohol-based hand sanitiser.
Discard intestines soon after harvesting and avoid contact with intestinal contents.
Cook birds thoroughly before eating.
Only harvest healthy birds. Avoid any birds that appear sick or are acting abnormally.
Ensure that all equipment, clothing, boots and other harvesting gear are cleaned thoroughly with soap or detergent, and where appropriate, disinfected for at least 10 minutes with household bleach at a dilution of 1:10 with water.
Wild birds, particularly of the duck family, are considered a natural host for avian influenza (bird flu) viruses, however the strain of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) that is currently circulating overseas has crossed into many species of birds and mammals.
If HPAI is detected in Australia, safety measures for handling game may need to be adjusted to minimise the risk of infection or spread of disease.