Nutritional Issues for Laying Hens

Laying hens are hardworking creatures. Egg production puts a huge strain on a hen’s body. Eggs are nutritionally dense, and obviously these nutrients come directly from the hen. This means their feed and water has to be of suitable quality and quantity to enable them to continue egg production on a regular basis.

Basic Diet for Age

The easiest way to ensure hens are receiving adequate nutrition is to feed a complete, balanced commercial feed designed for the breed and life stage of the bird - Chick for chicks, Grower for growing pullets, Layer for laying hens. There are vastly different requirements in minerals, protein and energy between young growing birds and adults. For example laying hens need a calcium to phosphorus of 5:1, compared to 1:1 for growers. Inadequate levels or an appropriate balance of these minerals may result in bone problems, thin shelled eggs and in extreme cases sudden death. Protein requirements for hens also changes depending on the life-stage, breed and time of year.  Poor nutrition means poor production so keep an eye on the egg output as an early sign that things aren't quite right.

Dietary Components

Care must be taken that kitchen scraps and access to greenery does not substitute too much of the complete feed.  If so, the diet becomes unbalanced or the hens simply can't fit enough in to satisfy the demands of egg production. Make sure the hens are actually eating the commercial feed - palatability can change with different batches. Mix new batches in with the remaining old batch before it's finished to reduce this problem.

The water supply to laying hens is a vital component for the bird's health and production. It must be clean, cool, not contaminated by wild birds and always available.

Both feed and water should ideally be kept away from wild birds. Wild birds can spread many different diseases to hens, either through direct contact, as well as droppings, nasal discharges, feathers and dander.

Storage of feed

Store all dry poultry feed in a cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight. Do not feed grain, pellets or mash that have crusting accumulations or are mouldy. Never feed them mouldy kitchen scraps. The resulting toxins may be fatal. Avoid purchasing large volumes of feed that take months to consume, as their vitamin content may diminish over time.

Prevent access from rodents, sparrows and other wild birds. It can introduce disease. It is also surprising how much these scavengers can eat! If they are not kept away from poultry feed it can make the backyard egg a very expensive commodity.

Further information on feeding backyard layers can be found on the small and backyard poultry website​​.


Animal Disease Enquiries

13 St Johns Avenue,
New Town, TAS, 7008.