Sheep Biosecurity

​​Information on sheep diseases and biosecurity.

In this topic

  • Botulism
    Although instances of botulism affecting humans are rare, it is a common disease in animals and birds.
  • Brucellosis in Sheep
    Ovine brucellosis mainly affects rams, causing lesions in their reproductive organs, and can lead to abortions and low lambing rates.
  • Foot and Mouth Disease
    Information about foot-and-mouth disease and how to keep it out of Australia and Tasmania.
  • Goitre and Iodine Deficiency
    Occurs most commonly in lambs, but can also affect calves and other young livestock.
  • Grass Tetany-Grass Staggers
    Magnesium deficiency. It can affect stock in late autumn, winter and spring. This is not the same disease as perennial rye grass staggers.
  • Green Feed Rickets
    Occurs mainly in unshorn lambs and weaners that are deficient in Vitamin D.
  • Hydatid Disease
    Hydatid disease, also known as hydatidosis or echinococcosis, is a parasitic infection of various animals, which can infect humans. Tasmania has been declared provisionally free of hydatid disease.
  • Hypocalcaemia in Sheep
    An abnormally low level of blood calcium.
  • Internal Parasites in Sheep
    There are three broad types of internal parasite that can cause significant health issues in sheep in Tasmania - worms, flukes and protozoa.
  • Lameness in Sheep and Goats
    There are several diseases that show up as lameness, some of them highly infectious, so you should inspect any lame animals straight away.
  • Lice
    The basics for smallholders and hobby farmers.
  • Ovine Johne's Disease
    Ovine Johne's Disease (OJD) is a chronic, incurable bacterial disease of sheep. The disease occurs in south-east Australia, including Tasmania.
  • Perennial Ryegrass Staggers
    Caused by toxins in the leaves of perennial rye grass. This is not the same disease as grass tetany.
  • Pregnancy Toxaemia
    A disease of ewes in late pregnancy. Early treatment is essential.