BeeTAS is here!
Biosecurity Tasmania has implemented a new online registration system, designed to assist beekeepers with registration as well as manage their apiary sites. The new online system will allow beekeepers to:
register or renew their registration
view and maintain apiary site information
record inspection details, hive purchases, disposals, and hive movements
upload training certification and laboratory results
BeeTAS will greatly increase Biosecurity Tasmania’s emergency preparedness and ability to respond to exotic honeybee pests and diseases. It will also enhance Biosecurity Tasmania’s ability to efficiently share information with registered Tasmanian beekeepers.
BeeTAS is a secure platform, hosted on data-protected servers in line with Tasmanian Government cyber-security policies.
Beekeepers can access BeeTAS via the Biosecurity Portal at
More information on BeeTAS is available in our
Frequently Asked Questions document.
Watch this video to find out how to use BeeTAS
Need to register as a beekeeper?
If you have registered as a beekeeper in Tasmania since December 2022, your information has been automatically carried across to BeeTAS. You can login to BeeTAS using the email you provided when you first registered.
Instructional material on how to access and use BeeTAS is available in the following document:
BeeTAS User Guide (PDF 1Mb)
If you have limited online access, or have any other questions regarding BeeTAS, please contact Biosecurity Tasmania at or call (03) 6165 3777.
Registration now compulsory for Tasmanian beekeeping activities
Under the
Biosecurity Act 2019 (the Act), beekeeping is considered to be a ‘regulated dealing’ (under Part 5, Division 3, Section 77) and under the Act, a person must not engage in a regulated dealing unless they are ‘registered’.
This requirement was formalised in the new
Biosecurity Regulations 2022 which came into effect on 2 November 2022.
Therefore, registration of beekeeping activities is compulsory for all Tasmanian beekeepers, both commercial and recreational. There is no cost to become registered and registration will remain free for at least the first two years (from 31 March 2023).
Conditions of registration
Registered beekeepers agree to adhere to the following conditions of registration:
the requirement to re-register and update details every 24 months. If your situation changes significantly in terms of hive locations or hive numbers within the registration period, beekeepers are strongly encouraged to update their registration details using BeeTAS.
the requirement to adhere to the
Australian Honey Bee Industry Biosecurity Code of Practice.
the requirement to comply with current import requirements for bees, apiary products and used apiary equipment including the
General Biosecurity Direction (Emergency).
the requirement to use best efforts to ensure that any apiary products fed to bees are free from pests, diseases, or chemical contaminants.
Tasmanian-specific requirements in relation to the Code (i.e. variations from the Code) that must also be noted and followed:
Code Requirement 2.0 (Reporting of Notifiable Disease)
Prompt reporting on all suspect notifiable diseases however specific maximum reporting timeframes in Tasmania for American Foul Brood (AFB) and European Foul Brood (EFB) are 24 hours and 7 days, respectively.
Code Requirement 4.0 (Disease Management)
Code Requirement 6.4 (Labelling of all hives)
In applying Code requirement 6.4 , the following transition period applies:
Within 12 months from the commencement date of the compulsory registration - a requirement to have a minimum of 50% of hives clearly and legibly marked with at least the beekeeper’s allocated hive identification code (registration number). If a keeper owns just one hive, then that hive must be clearly and legibly marked with at least the hive identification code (registration number).
Within 24 months from the commencement date of the compulsory registration - a requirement to have 100% of hives clearly and legibly marked with at least the beekeeper’s allocated hive identification code (registration number).
All new hives (purchased or constructed – including second-hand hives purchased by a new owner), must be clearly and legibly marked with at least the beekeeper’s allocated hive identification code (registration number) as per Code Requirement 6.4.
Appropriate labelling means – at least the hive identification code displayed on an external vertical face of the hive in lettering that is:
- Indelible; and
- at least 25 mm high
Code Requirement 6.5 (Swarm catch boxes)
- Labelling with at least the allocated hive identification code (registration number) will also be required on catch boxes for all beekeepers. Labelling requirements for swarm catchboxes are the same as for hives (see above).
Code Requirement 9.2 (BOLT “Honey Bee Biosecurity” Training)
Code Requirement 10.2
- AFB testing in line with Code Requirement 10.2, however testing by all beekeepers is encouraged.
Code Requirement 12 (Apiary sites should be identified)
- Please note that Code Requirement 12 applies to all beekeepers and should be considered alongside current site signage requirements on land managed by Parks and Wildlife Service, Sustainable Timber Tasmania and Hydro Tasmania.
Tasmanian Beekeeper Registration - Conditions of Registration (PDF 267Kb)
Are you meeting the conditions of registration?
Australian Honey Bee Industry Code of Practice
Your registration as a Tasmanian beekeeper requires you to comply with the
Australian Honey Bee Industry Biosecurity Code of Practice (the Code).
Biosecurity for beekeepers online training course
To demonstrate knowledge of honey bee pest and disease identification and management, all Tasmanian beekeepers are required to complete the
Biosecurity for Beekeepers online training course. Participation in this course is free for all Australian beekeepers and can be accessed via the
Plant Health Australia - BeeAware website.
Requirements for beekeepers with more than 50 hives
If you have more than 50 hives, your honey must be tested annually for American Foulbrood (AFB). Honey samples can be submitted to the Animal Health Laboratory in Prospect.
To submit a sample, please complete the Honey or Brood comb Sample Submission Form:
Honey or Brood comb submission form (PDF 107Kb)
Honey or Brood comb sample list form (PDF 538Kb)
Instructions are available to help you fill out this form here:
AHL LabFact Honey Brood Comb submissions (PDF 240Kb)
You will be invoiced directly by the Animal Health Laboratory.
If you have more than 50 hives you must also provide a
Declaration of Compliance with the code.