National Bee Biosecurity Program (NBBP) is a national biosecurity partnership between the Australian honey bee industry (represented by the
Australian Honey Bee Industry Council),
Plant Health Australia (PHA), and state governments around Australia.
The program promotes best management practices for beekeepers in Australia through the establishment of a
Biosecurity Code of Practice (The Code). The Code aims to provide a clear framework for Australian beekeepers to engage in best-practice biosecurity methods. The Code, nationally endorsed by industry, was first released in July 2016.
Tasmanian beekeepers must comply with the Code as part of their compulsory registration, except for parts of Section 4, for which Tasmanian beekeepers may refer to the
The Tasmanian Foulbrood Best Management Practice (BMP) Guideline. The BMP was developed for Tasmanian beekeepers in response to the lack of irradiation and wax-dipping facilities in the state for hive sterilisation.
The Tasmanian Foulbrood Best Management Practice Guideline
Further information:
Australian Honey Bee Industry Council
National Bee Biosecurity Program