Animals and Bushfire

For emergency advice on​ animal welfare issues during a bushfire call 6165 3777.

​​​​​​Download information to help you include your animals in your bushfire plan and to manage your animals during and after a bushfire:

 Include your Animals in your Bushfire Plan (PDF 199Kb)

  Animal Bushfire Survival Planning Poster   (308Kb)

In this topic

  • Animals and Bushfire Planning
    It is important that everyone with animals has at least a basic plan to protect them during a bushfire. You need to do this well before any fire risk, so that everyone in your family knows what to do in an emergency.
  • Feeding and Watering Livestock After a Bushfire
    While it is important to get good quality feed into livestock as quickly as possible after a bushfire, it is most important that you do not feed them grain or pellets only.
  • Fire Affected Livestock - Ongoing Assessment and Care
    While it's great relief for owners when their livestock survive a bushfire, it is important they keep a very close eye on their animals over the next two or three weeks as some health and welfare issues take some time to show up.

​​More information

Bushfires on Farming Properties - AgriGrowth​

​Wildlife and bushfires​ - Wildlife Management

Current bushfire alerts​ - Tasmania Fire Service​

Wildlife Contacts​

If you need help or advice about caring for injured wildlife contact Wildlife Management on: 

Ph: 6165 4305

Email wildlife.reception@nre​​

More information specifically about caring for wildlife affected by bushfires can be found on the Wildlife and Bushfires webpage.