Hobby Farmers, Small and New Landholders

​​​​​​​​​​Many Tasmanians enjoy the lifestyle of having a few acres, having a few animals and growing their own food. Smallholder producers and hobby farmers range from people with a few backyard chooks and a vegie patch through to those who are making serious attempts to get at least part of their living from the land.

It is important that all farmers - small, new, established, and commercial - take their biosecurity and animal welfare responsibilities seriously. 

The following documents provide some basic information to help you do just that.

General b​iosecu​rity information

 A Guide to Tasmania's Biosecurity System (PDF 439Kb)

 Farm Biosecurity Register (PDF 87Kb) - A downloadable register to record visitors to your property


 Alpacas - some basic tips (PDF 230Kb)

 AHL Labfact Getting the best from your Wormtest (PDF 116Kb)


 Cattle - some basic biosecurity tips (PDF 136Kb)

 Basic Nutrition for Cattle (PDF 738Kb)

 Beef Cattle Body Conditioning Scoring (PDF 241Kb)​


 Backyard Poultry (PDF 285Kb)

 Information Sheet - Producing Safe Eggs at Home (PDF 108Kb)


 Goats - some basic biosecurity tips (PDF 132Kb)

 Goats and Worms (PDF 554Kb)

 AHL Labfact G​etting the best from your Wormtest (PDF 116Kb)

WormB​oss - Worm control strategy suitable for goats under Tasmanian conditions​ 

 Biosecurity Fact Sheet Goats and Johnes Disease (PDF 223Kb)


 Horses - som​e basic biosecurity tips (PDF 103Kb)

 Basic Nutrition for Horses (PDF 373Kb)

 Horses - Body Condition Scoring and Weight Estimation (PDF 229Kb)

 Wormtest Information (PDF 102Kb)

 Horse Welfare Guidelines (PDF 430Kb)


 Pigs - some basic biosecurity tips (PDF 194Kb)

 The Backyard Pig (PDF 233Kb)


 Sheep - Guide for Hobby Farmers and Smallholders (PDF 450Kb)

 Smallholder Sheep Cheat Sheet! (PDF 132Kb)

Caring for sheep in extreme weather

 Basic Nutrition for Sheep (PDF 387Kb)

 Sheep - Body ​Condition Scoring (PDF 389Kb)

 Sheep and Worms (PDF 164Kb)

 AHL Labfact Getting the best from your Wormtest (PDF 116Kb)

WormBoss - control strategy suitable for sheep under Tasmanian conditions


Animal Disease Enquiries

13 St Johns Avenue,
New Town, TAS, 7008.