Land Transport of Livestock - Animal Welfare

​​​The Animal Welfare (Land Transport of Livestock) Regulations 2013​ commenced on 15 June 2013.

These Regulations legislate the standards contained in the Australian Animal Welfare Sta​ndards and Guidelines - Land Transport of Livestock and make them legally enforceable. If you're involved in livestock transport, these standards apply to you.

 Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines - Land Transport of Livestock (PDF 1Mb)

They cover issues like:

  • who is responsible for welfare when livestock are transported

  • whether animals are 'fit to load'

  • preparation of livestock for transport

  • planning the journey​

  • how long livestock can be off water

As a companion to the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines - Land Transport of Livestock, Meat and Livestock Australia has also published a handy guide for the transport of cattle, sheep and goats:

 Is it fit to load? (PDF 4Mb)​

Other Tasmanian Animal Welfare Guidelines which may be relevant to the transportation of livestock include:

​Us​eful resources​

Report animal cruelty​

RSPCA Inspectorate
Phone: 1300 139 947


Animal Welfare Reporting

Program Coordinator (Animal Welfare)
13 St Johns Avenue,
New Town, TAS, 7008.