Dog Welfare Review

​​​​​​​​​​This review is being undertaken to ensure contemporary and enforceable welfare outcomes for all dogs in Tasmania. It arose as a result of public concern about puppy farms as well as feedback from animal welfare officers about the current legislation. 

The proposed changes will affect the Dog Control Act 2000, the Animal Welfare (Dogs) Regulations 2016, and Guidelines. ​​

In this topic

  • Public Consultation
    Have your say on the proposed changes to the laws that regulate and control dogs in Tasmania. These changes address public concern about puppy farms and feedback from animal welfare officers about the current legislation.
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    Here is some background of why, when and how this consultation is being conducted. Answering some frequently asked questions.


Biosecurity Tasmania

Animal Biosecurity and Welfare Branch

13 St Johns Avenue,
New Town, TAS, 7008.