Poisons and Animal Pests

​​​The use of a poison to control any animal pest is highly regulated. A register of what can be used is created under the Animal Welfare Act and it is an offence to use any poison outside of that register.

In addition, anyone planning to use a registered poison should understand they also have responsibilities under other legislation and under civil law. In particular, you must follow the instructions on the product label and you must ensure you do not use the product in a way that places any non-target animals at risk.

If you need further information about how to use a registered product, contact the product manufacturer or supplier, or NRE Tas' Wild Animal Management officer on tel. 03 6165 3777.

If you are aware of anyone misusing a poison for pest control, including anyone who is risking the health and welfare of any non-target animals, please contact NRE Tas or the RSPCA (see details below)​:

To report animal cruelty:

RSPCA Inspectorate
Phone: 1300 139 947
Email: reportit@rspcatas.org.au​ 


Animal Welfare Reporting

Program Coordinator (Animal Welfare)
13 St Johns Avenue,
New Town, TAS, 7008.