Biosecurity Advisory Committee

​​Tasmania’s reputation as a premium producer of agricultural and seafood products, and as a leading tourism destination, is reliant on a rigorous and effective biosecurity system.

The formation of Tasmania’s Biosecurity Advisory Committee is one of the key tasks required for the effective implementation of Tasmania’s Biosecurity Act 2019.

Appointments to the Committee are for a maximum period of three years, at which point subsequent selection of the Committee follows a public ‘expression of interest’ process. Once formed the Committee act as an independent advisory body. 

The Committee provide advice to the Tasmanian Government and Minister for Primary Industries and Water on biosecurity in Tasmania and help guide Government strategies and policy for biosecurity matters.​

Good biosecurity relies on the community, industry and government working together. The Biosecurity Advisory Committee will help facilitate these partnerships.

The committee includes a mix of skills and representatives from a range of industry sectors across the State, including wild fisheries and aquaculture sectors, animal and plant-based agricultural industries, tourism industries, environmental organisations, the science, industry and community liaison, and education sectors, accounting, economic or strategic planning expertise, public administration expertise at both the State and local government level, a community member and a State Service employee.

Current Committee Members​​​

  • Felicity Richards (Biosecurity Advisory Committee Chair)

  • ​Julian Harrington

  • Napelle Crane

  • Peter Skillern

  • Colin Johnston

  • Peter Cornish

  • Michael Bailey

  • Matt Pooley

  • Anne Chuter

  • Karen Brock

  • Heather Chong

  • Diana Leeder​

Download a copy of the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form:​


Biosecurity Tasmania