Import Requirement (IR) Changes

​​This page contains notifications of any changes that are introduced outside of the annual edition of the Plant Biosecurity Manual Tasmania as they may arise.

Changes to Import Requirement 8A – Queensland Fruit Fly Host Produce – Treatment with Dimethoate of the Plant Biosecurity Manual Tasmania .

From 17 August 2024, Tasmania will no longer accept mangoes treated with dimethoate under CTM-01 (Condition and Treatment of Mangoes). Non-acceptance of CTM-01 is reflected in an amendment to Import Requirement 8A – Queensland Fruit Fly Host Produce – Treatment with Dimethoate of the Plant Biosecurity Manual Tasmania under a new group permit .

This change will further strengthen and protect Tasmania’s Pest Free Area for fruit flies.

Alternative pathways for importing mangoes are available in the Plant Biosecurity Manual Tasmania .

If you have any questions or wish to discuss importation options, please contact Biosecurity Tasmania's Market Access team on: (03) 6478 4138 


Biosecurity Enquiries