What is biosecurity? What does it mean for you? How does it work? What can you do to help to keep Tasmania safe from the impacts of pests, weeds and diseases?
Did you know that under Tasmania's
Biosecurity Act 2019 we all have an important role to play in Tasmania's biosecurity system? Find out what you can do on the general biosecurity duty webpages.
This page lists a number of online biosecurity learning and information resources, together with links to agencies, organisations and groups, who all have an important role in promoting and practicing good biosecurity both in Tasmania - and throughout Australia.
A Guide to Tasmania's Biosecurity System
An outline of the way Tasmania’s biosecurity system works to protect the State’s relative freedom from these pests, weeds and diseases can be found on the
Guide to Tasmania’s Biosecurity System page.
Other External Biosecurity Resources
Mission Biosecurity
Mission Biosecurity is a national website which features quizzes, videos and podcasts all aimed at educating and raising awareness around biosecurity.
Biosecurity Tasmania is proud to be a partner in Mission: Biosecurity - a suite of interactive and entertaining digital education and information resources aimed at increasing biosecurity awareness and encouraging all Australians to take practical but effective actions to better manage biosecurity risks in their environment, communities and on their properties.
Farm Biosecurity
Farm Biosecurity is Australia’s hub of farm biosecurity information. It includes information to help farmers and other landholders understand disease, pest and weed risks, what they can do to reduce those risks, and how to go about it. FarmBiosecurity provides materials to help landholders implement biosecurity measures on their property, including:
crop and livestock specific information
templates for checklists, records and signs
animal health statements and declarations
biosecurity manuals
videos on the six biosecurity essentials
a farm biosecurity planner and app
links to member and other useful websites
biosecurity related news and events.
The Farm Biosecurity program is a joint initiative of
Animal Health Australia (AHA) and
Plant Health Australia (PHA).
Its goal is to help producers reduce the risks posed by diseases, pests and weeds to their crops and livestock. This site provides information about on-farm biosecurity measures, which help prevent both endemic and exotic diseases, pests and weeds from entering and becoming established on farms. It encourages producers to identify risks to their livestock, crops and plant products, and to minimise those risks through good practices.
Organisations with an important role in Tasmania's biosecurity
These organisations play an important biosecurity role in support of Tasmanian's primary industries and protection of our environment; they include:
Tas Farmers is the peak body representing the interests of Tasmanian farmers at a state and national level.
Fruit Growers Tasmania (FGT) is the peak body representing apple, pear, cherry, berry and stonefruit growers in Tasmania. It is a not-for-profit industry association run by Tasmania's growers, for Tasmania's fruit growers.
FGT offers information and support services to make life easier for it's members as well as other Tasmanian fruit growers.
Wine Tasmania
Wine Tasmania is the authority for all things grape and wine related in Tasmania! Its key roles are to market and promote Tasmanian wine, to provide technical and extension support to wine producers and to represent and advocate their interests.
Natural Resource Management (NRM)
Natural Resource Management (NRM) is the integrated management of the natural resources that make up Australia’s natural landscapes, such as land, water, soil, plants and animals. NRMs are community-based, and work with producers, community groups, landcarers, industry, and NGOs – amongst others – to help build capacity, strengthen networks and help partners along when needed. This is a fundamental role in rural, regional and outback Australia.
There are three NRM regions across Tasmania, all providing information and other resources to support effective biosecurity management.
Sprout Tasmania
Sprout Tasmania is a non-profit organisation that supports and fosters start-up growers and producers across Tasmania.
TassieCat encourages all Tasmanians to be responsible cat owners, providing expert advice and resources to keep your cat safe while protecting our wildlife and our communities.
Tasmanian Agricultural Education Network
Tasmanian Agricultural Education Network (TAEN) promotes the delivery of high-quality agricultural education in Tasmania and inspires interest in agriculture throughout the Tasmanian community.
Australian Biosecurity Information and Resources
These organisations play an important national biosecurity role in support of our primary industries and protection of our environment; they include:
Animal Health Australia (AHA) and Plant Health Australia (PHA)
Animal Health Australia (AHA) and
Plant Health Australia (PHA) are partnerships between all Australian national, state and territory governments, major agricultural livestock and plant industries to strengthen Australia’s national plant and animal health and biosecurity systems.
Farm Biosecurity is a joint initiative of AHA and PHA.
National Pest and Disease Outbreaks
National Pest and Disease Outbreaks website provides up to date information about emergency responses to animal and plant pest and disease incursions that affect Australia’s agricultural industries and the environment.
Australian Interstate Quarantine
There are restrictions on what you can take as you cross state and quarantine borders within Australia. The Australian Interstate Quarantine website provides up to date information about entry conditions, forms and requirements for travelling to Australian states and territories.
BeeAware is a hub of information for beekeepers and growers about honey bee biosecurity and pollination. The site contains an extensive range of information about exotic and established pests and diseases of honey bees, and helps beekeepers to identify and respond to these pest threats.
Australian Government Agencies
Commonwealth Government
State and Territory Government