Hypothetical example: the declared weed on a farming property

​​​ ​​​​​​​​In this hypothetical example you: 

  • are a farmer moving livestock to a new paddock

  • notice white flower-heads on some plants that you haven't seen before

  • are in a rush and continue to complete your stock movements

When you finish your stock movements, you research what the unusual plant might be, but you can't confirm the species.​

General Biosecu​​rity Duty (GBD) Actions and Outcomes​

Meeti​​ng your GBD

Below are SOME examples that show how taking action to meet your GBD can have positive outcomes.

Meeting your GBD  

Expected outco​mes
Meeting your GBD

  • After failing to identify the new plant you contact Biosecurity Tasmania (or a council weeds officer) to discuss what steps to take next.

  • The plant is confirmed as being meadow parsley (Oenanthe pimpinelloides) - a declared weed.

  • You work with Biosecurity Tasmania and the local council to develop a management plan for the weed.

  • Acting upon declared weeds early can lead to successful eradication if a weed management plan is developed and followed.

  • Early intervention and good farm biosecurity can help contain infestations to single properties or small areas, and limit the spread of weed seeds.

  • Public reports not only alert Biosecurity Tasmania to the presence of weeds, but aid in ‘mapping’ weed distributions to inform ongoing management decisions. 

NOT meetin​g your GBD​

Below are SOME​ examples that show how NOT​ taking action to meet your GBD can have negative outcomes.

Not meeting your GBD  
Expected outcomes​
Not meeting your GBD  

  • You did not investigate or report the new weed on your property.

  • You​ did not have a working knowledge of potential declared weeds that may affect your properties or pastures.​

  • Un-reported and un-managed weeds could lead to widespread infestations of declared weed species – putting the Tasmanian economy, primary industries, and environment at risk.

  • Failing to appropriately manage a​ declared weed species may lead to legal proceedings against a person.

  • If allowed to spread, weed species may become ‘naturalised’ in Tasmania, and have detrimental effects on agricultural land, and natural resources.

What you c​​an do to meet y​​our GBD

  • Have a biosecurity plan in place for your property with steps outlined for dealing with potential weed species

  • Maintain a working knowledge of common weed species and where they may occur on your property

  • Develop a weed management plan if necessary (Biosecurity Tasmania can assist with this if required)

  • Maintain detailed and accurate spray records

  • Report any suspected declared weeds to Biosecurity Tasmania so that they may be risk-assessed to help protect your property, the Tasmanian economy, primary industries, and environment

Know your GBD - Related G​BD Profiles

Please note that this information contains minimum recommendations only. The GBD requires a person dealing with biosecurity matter or a carrier to take all reasonable and practicable measures to prevent, eliminate or minimise any biosecurity risk associated with the dealing. Such measures may not be specified in any regulations, guidelines or other official publications.​